Biden’s Biggest Backers Apparently Lash Out After Israel Aid Restricted – IOTW Report

Biden’s Biggest Backers Apparently Lash Out After Israel Aid Restricted


President Joe Biden is reportedly facing backlash from some prominent supporters over his decision to withhold aid to Israel if they move forward with an invasion of Rafah, where about one million civilians have sought refuge.

The president drew his red line on the Israel-Hamas war on Wednesday during an interview with CNN, saying that he would restrict aid to Rafah if the country decides to invade. Democratic donor and Israeli American Haim Saban sent an email to White House officials following the comments asking the staff to let the president know his opposition to his remarks, according to an email obtained by Axios.

“Bad, Bad, Bad, decision, on all levels, Pls reconsider,” Saban wrote in the email, according to Axios. more

14 Comments on Biden’s Biggest Backers Apparently Lash Out After Israel Aid Restricted

  1. This is the most socially/morally bankrupt, lying, double-dealing Asshole of a “leader” ever! How anyone with an ounce of conscience can align themselves with him is beyond my comprehension!

  2. And as usual the Babylon Bee nails it once again with today’s headline, I’m outraged at accusations I’ve taken the side of Hamas, says angry Biden wearing new keffiyeh. Joey’s totally predictable in supporting everything that is evil, rotten and corrupt. FJB!

  3. “apparently” … “reportedly”…As I said in another thread, it’s all for show. Israel is getting its loot on the downlow, with a winken, blinken nod from Joe.

    And the media is playing its part.

  4. For Thirdtwin:

    🎵 🎵 🎵
    Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer,
    Those days of soda and pretzels and beer.
    Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer,
    You’ll wish that summer could always be here!

    Roll out those winken, blinken, stinkin’ nods from Biden,
    The kind with money, and corruption and fear.
    Roll out those winken, blinken, stinkin’ nods from Biden,
    You’ll wish that Biden could always be here!
    🎵 🎵 🎵

  5. He’s pandering to the Muslim vote. The democrats enjoy 80-85% support from American Jews because they’re democrats first and Jews second. They’re not worried about losing too many with their assault on the state of Israel.

  6. I can’t believe the Øbamboozler actually watched this imbecile for eight years and said to himself:”THAT’s the Asshole I’m going to my best skullduggery behind!”

  7. The problem with being a compulsive cocksucker is eventually people figure out it isn’t their cock he wants, it’s the next cock he’s after. They get disappointed and cranky after that.

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