Biden’s Dangerous Dog Attacked Secret Service 11 Times – IOTW Report

Biden’s Dangerous Dog Attacked Secret Service 11 Times

WH insider says Joe Biden abused all three dogs, Secret Service was not able to properly protect Biden.

Judicial Watch President @TomFitton appeared on “The Vince Coglianese Show” to discuss the latest news about the Bidens’ dog, Commander.

12 Comments on Biden’s Dangerous Dog Attacked Secret Service 11 Times

  1. Only problem is he’s got a bit of Mississippi Leg Hound in him. If the mood catches him right, he’ll just grab your leg and go to town. You don’t want him around if you’re wearing short pants, if you know what I mean. Word of warning though? If he does lay into you, it’s best just to let him finish.

  2. Shepherds are fantastic dogs. Teaching your companion shepherd that violence is OK, perhaps by using violence on the dog for training or discipline, is a sure way to train him to put a chomp on things he finds threatening except you the alpha persecutor.

    There may be dogs that are born bad, but I’ve never seen one, they mostly seem to reflect their people and their training.

  3. Most amazing thing is .. with any other owner, the dog would have been impounded after the second incident, especially a dog as dangerous as a shepherd. This dog has had 11 incident .. and a previous shepherd had several

    So not only is Biden the worst dog owner in America, hes several quantum leaps beyond the worst. I cant get over this.

    My daughter is a dog lover. Maybe this is the thing that will wake her up about the party she votes for. Dont underestimate the political significance of this

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