Biden’s Democrat challengers don’t really want to win – IOTW Report

Biden’s Democrat challengers don’t really want to win

  • Biden’s biggest weakness is the still-unraveling series of facts about the extent of his son Hunter Biden’s sweetheart jobs and deals while the elder Biden was a senator and then vice president.
  • But for some strange reason, his fellow Democrats vying for the nomination are incredibly mum about this story. – more at CNBC

10 Comments on Biden’s Democrat challengers don’t really want to win

  1. You really have to hand it to the Dems, they can close ranks fairly well and protect each other. Them not accusing Joe PROVES in the lefty mind that Biden is not guilty and Trump is no matter what the factual tangible data states because after all these candidates are honest educated people (again in their minds because they never look beyond the superficial with THEIR candidates). I troll multiple lib sites and this is pretty much what they think, sad I know. Makes you wonder who is the one scripting the entire narrative on their side and it shows how deep the collusion really goes. If they can orchestrate this large of field this well (there are multiple cracks I know) it is a very impressive feat.

  2. With almost all of them winning was never in their calculations. It was about raising the most money and spending the least. That way they can use money raised for a Presidential run on a Senate or Congressional campaign (or just flat out steal it) down the road. Change the damned election finance laws so that each failed candidate (either for the nomination or the actual election) for Federal office must undergo a outside audit and any unspent funds must go to paying down the federal debt

  3. Great point scr_north. I personally hadn’t noticed that campaign finance loophole. After all, why limit yourself to getting campaign money from just your state or district when you can get it from anywhere in the country?

  4. Politics is no longer (if it ever was) about serving the public good.
    I really DO think that some people go into politics to do good, but a lot go into politics (and stay in) to grab all that can be grabbed.

    When you see these doddering fools drooling and slobbering, being led around by kids, unable to craft a coherent thought (eg – Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Biden, Byrd, Feinstein, Boxer, McCain, Ginsburg) you have to wonder about the perks of the system that keeps these maggots maggotting way past any good that they could possibly do – then it dawns – they’re money makers – not only for themselves but for the parasites who feed off of them – and there are thousands and thousands of parasites feeding off each and every one.

    Each politician becomes a metaphorical coral reef: a vast feeding ground for every manner of worm, parasite, and predator – Lawyers, Academicians, Union Members, Hollyweirders, Wall Street Manipulators, Gov’t Regulators, Tax Evaders, Medicare Doctors, Poverty Pimps, Race Hustlers, Middle Managers in Regulated Industries, Defense Contractors, and an Army of Nose-Picking Morons who make up the Educational System (as well as the Agencies, of course).

    President Trump has a tough row to hoe.

    Kinda got carried away, but yeah, there seems to always be something going on behind the curtain.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Gee no surprise dems don’t want to highlight corruption in their ranks and many long term republicans also aren’t very interested. More likely a CYA. Not many people In Washington have clean hands. Who knows what is lurking in these candidates history and Biden was part of the Obama administration that we know from blabbermouth mad Maxine Waters created a database of information unlike any other in history.

  6. Biden is essential to the false narrative that President Trump sought foreign meddling to target his political opponent. That makes Biden untouchable to Democrats.

  7. @scr_north:

    …and any unspent funds must go to paying down the federal debt

    Oh, c’mon! Where’s your sense of humor? Any unspent money should go into the campaign fund of the opposition Party.

    Make ’em squeal like pigs!

    (Yeah, I know that would just ensure all the money’s spent one way of another. But it’s the thought that counts!)


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