‘ Biden’s divisive lies are worse than the gaffes ‘ – IOTW Report

‘ Biden’s divisive lies are worse than the gaffes ‘

Sky News host Rita Panahi says this week US President Joe Biden made a “series of outrageously false statements”.
“I’m not talking about things that are subjective, I’m talking about verifiably false claims,” Ms Panahi said.
“Biden claims that the US sent javelins and other weapons to Russia to prepare Ukraine for an attack.”

12 Comments on ‘ Biden’s divisive lies are worse than the gaffes ‘

  1. The beauty of the Biden presidency is that he encapsulates everything wrong with the democratic party. I call it the 4 “D”s; Dishonesty, Deceit, Delusion, and Denial. OK, add a 5th, Demented.

  2. Does anyone take anything the federal government says seriously at this point? I mean, yes, take what they do seriously and protect yourself accordingly as well as you can but when they talk, whaddaboudit? I get more sense out of a pack of dogs barking than I do anything fedgov says.

  3. Joey’s been a liar his whole career. An amoral lying corrupt-o-crat.
    Anyone who doesn’t know that hasn’t been paying attention.

    We’ve come to EXPECT our politicians and media to lie – probably be disappointed if they didn’t – which explains a lot of the animosity to President Trump.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. How is Sky News Australia able to poke fun of anything in the US.
    We still have guns, for now.
    They have nothing and Premier Dan Andrews is passing a bill that prohibits people from growing their own food.


    New Zealand Government sending letters to unvaxxed people – telling them that if they are not vaxed by the 1st June 2022, or they will face $15,000 fine or 6 months in prison.
    They are waaaay farther down the commie path.

  5. I firmly believe that he thinks he is doing well and everything is going great.
    He is a complete Idiot, and his advisors are all shielding him from the reality of life in the entire western world due to his weakness.

    He used to lie, now I think he is too feeble to consciously lie but he repeats what he was just told for the short time he remembers it.

    It is his reality. His decay is noticeably accelerating especially since the job ages you. (when he is awake)

  6. @Walter Johnson:

    George Orwell had some Newspeak words for this:

    Blackwhite — Believing that black is white, knowing that black is white and forgetting anything of the contrary

    Doublethink — The ability to have two completely contradictory beliefs in one’s mind and believe both of them to be true

    Duckspeak — To spout political jargon and dogma with no real thought

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