Biden’s DOJ raids home of Area 51 researcher, holds girlfriend at gunpoint – IOTW Report

Biden’s DOJ raids home of Area 51 researcher, holds girlfriend at gunpoint

“To the best of my knowledge I have not broken the law. The search warrants are not very specific but aerial photos of Area 51 and other installations came up repeatedly. So I have taken those down for now to defuse the situation, he said. “

10 Comments on Biden’s DOJ raids home of Area 51 researcher, holds girlfriend at gunpoint

  1. Garland’s gestapo will go unchecked, as all ‘recounts’ seem to end up as demwit wins.

    Hope I’m wrong, but it seems we’re being forced down a cliff right into the maws of 1984…

    F all of them… :/

  2. Joe Biden and the puppet masters who pull his strings from the back because he has no front want to cover up the fact that they’re using the bogus UFO thing as a tool of distraction. Perhaps the race-annihilator Joe Biden and like-minded accomplices should be attending the next 12-step UFO abductee meeting or therapy group.

  3. Joe Biden and the puppet masters who pull his strings from the back because he has no front to speak of need to cover up the fact that they’re using the bogus UFO thing as a tool of distraction. Perhaps the race-annihilator Joe Biden and like-minded accomplices should be attending the next 12-step UFO abductee meeting or therapy group.

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