Biden’s Energy Policies Encourage Global Instability – IOTW Report

Biden’s Energy Policies Encourage Global Instability

Daily Signal:

When it comes to energy independence—a key component of global stability—the America of 2022 could learn a lot from the America of 1942.

In that year, American energy dominance powered the Allied war effort of World War II, making production substantially cheaper and producing an abundance of war material: aviation fuel, gasoline, synthetic rubber, and more. America would produce seven times as much aviation fuel as all the other major belligerents combined. She outproduced Japan in coal by more than a 10-to-1 margin and pumped 700 times as much oil.

In short, American energy was a cornerstone of Allied victory.

More recently, renewed American energy independence, which was becoming energy dominance, was a pillar of geopolitical stability. Increased American production created lower prices, which acted like a choke collar on hostile nations that rely on energy exports to fund their war machines. Simply put, Russia did not invade its neighbors when oil and natural gas prices were low and American energy exports were increasing. MORE

7 Comments on Biden’s Energy Policies Encourage Global Instability

  1. When the United States is healthy and wealthy everyone benefits… employment, charities and everything else. This also includes the rest of the West!

    Want to destroy the West, target America!
    Uncle Xi, Uncle Klaus and JacKKKass Joe are all well aware of this!


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