Biden’s Energy Secretary laughs at high fuel prices – IOTW Report

Biden’s Energy Secretary laughs at high fuel prices

‘WJ Live’: Biden’s Energy Sec Gives Grossly Un-empathetic Response to Soaring Gas Prices.

20 Comments on Biden’s Energy Secretary laughs at high fuel prices

  1. yeah, cackle away, you grinning d’ratzi succubus

    btw, heard heavy crude applied liberally can reduce those ‘devil horn’ bumps that keep sprouting on your face …. seriously!

  2. Keep laughing, cunt. When fuel goes up everything goes up. The coal to the plant is on diesel locomotives. Your underwear is on a diesel locomotive, and then a diesel over the road tractor.

    Your food is planted, your cotton is planted, your food and cotton are reaped with diesels. Shipped with diesels. Your fucking aeroplanes need fuel so you can ship your fucking dildos from China.

    I can’t think of a single thing that’s manufactured without petrol or diesel.

  3. Like I posted early, this dumb bitch ignores the fact we were energy independent. What a fucking obnoxious laugh. Really bitch? In her last memorable interview she said, “Well if you dumb assholes were driving electric vehicles there would be a problem would there”.
    Well except for the fact there’s no way to generate that much electricity you dumb cunt, Oh and where do we dump all these extremely toxic batteries ya dumb bitch?
    Can I put my thumb in your belly button?

  4. It would be pretty close to jacken off. With the KTel Accujack. What in the exact fuck is going on with all those moles on her face? Is she an Illegal Trans planetary Alien. I just made that up, but spell check liked it. LOL, I am a genius. Or something.

  5. What is it with all these globalist dykes and their frosted blond christine lagarde/kathleen sebelius butch librarian haircuts? Bunch of focken psycho peter pan bitch karens.

    Tell us how you really feel, Thirdtwin.

  6. Steven Chu, 0bama’s Energy Secretary, said $8/gal gas was a good idea. At the time he thought that was the pain threshold for people to switch from internal combustion to electric. Sure sounds like coercion to me.

  7. I saw this yesterday and it made me want to slap her.
    I hope some Republican ad makers use this to slam the Dirty Dems.
    They sure are giving a lot of material.
    Elitists globalists like to ignore actual facts.
    Too bad the interviewer wasn’t sharp enough to bring up the fact we were selling oil to other countries under Trump.

  8. Thirdtwin
    NOVEMBER 5, 2021 AT 11:09 PM
    “What is it with all these globalist dykes and their frosted blond christine lagarde/kathleen sebelius butch librarian haircuts?”

    It’s because they’re ugly, inside and out, so they can’t get no dick. This makes them bitter and angry so they take it out on the whole world.

    It doesn’t help that they’ve neutered masculine males, that makes even LESS dick to go around, it’s really a vicious cycle, emphasis on “vicious” when any liberal chick is around…

  9. Twice this week I’ve seen *Biden’s Administration use this Blame OPEC bullshit tactic. First Piss-acki used it and now this So Shill List (ha! Fuck you, Word Censor!).

    C’mon man, here’s the thing. Under President Donald Trump, our nation was energy independent. WE WERE EXPORTING OIL & GAS! Then *Biden steals the election and banned the Keystone Pipeline and banned further oil & gas permits on Federal land AND WATERS.


    (now hurry up with those I DID THAT! stickers that I ordered from you goddam Chinks)


    Born Vancouver Feb. 1959.

    The Demos are looking NORTH for Ideas. Bad ideas!
    Watch Turdeau, those are the IDEAS.
    And Dominion WILL Deliver what it can, a few Percent at a Time, where it is allowed to.


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