Biden’s eye fills with blood during CNN climate town hall – IOTW Report

Biden’s eye fills with blood during CNN climate town hall


Former Vice President Joe Biden’s left eye appeared to have a blood vessel burst while he was participating in CNN’s town hall on climate change.

[…] Biden hasn’t disclosed his medical history since 2008 when doctors found he had an irregular heartbeat. more

h/t Jimmy.

SNIP: Looks to me that both eyes are affected.

60 Comments on Biden’s eye fills with blood during CNN climate town hall

  1. @MJA:

    Looks to me that both eyes are affected.

    Yeah, well, the optic nerves are direct extentions to the brain, so if the problem is that the dung beetle larvae have finally hatched, then as they feed some brain blood would seep into both eyes. One eye first, maybe, but ultimately both.

  2. c’mon folks, it’s just a little stink eye pink eye

    …. we can’t have this creep get out this soon! it’s way too much fun having him as front-runner of the Democraps

  3. Tapeworm Disease for an old Swamp Thing.

    It DOES show up in the eyes eventually.

    He is too dumb to keep doing this and obviously not well. Who is pushing his candidacy? To win against DJT an incumbent with a good approval rating?

  4. ΜΟΛΩΝ, I think it’s just torture* and downright inhumane to expect such a mentally- and physically-feeble human bean to endure the strenuous hardships of a presidential campaign. He needs to go home, sniff out some new territory, find someone to fondle, recall the great details of his life, and above all, REST. IN PEACE.

    (* Just for our entertainment)

  5. All of the other dnc candidates are on the phone to Satan….

    “Yo Mephistopheles…..Looks like a spot just opened up”

    Satan: “Only Faust calls Me that…and You’ve got nuthin to trade”

  6. I wish he would quit the bullshit. The media are tagging him along, just for something to talk about. The media suck, Biden sucks, the entire demorat panel sucks. But the media are still bent on destroying President Trump
    These are dangerous times in America when the media are in cahoots with one party to destroy another.
    The First Amendment is in trouble with these motherfuckers. Let alone the Second Amendment.

  7. “You are constructed in a cross-linked fashion – your left eye is connected to your right brain hemisphere and vice-versa. This means that the left eye indicates your right-hemisphere activity and your right-eye indicates your left-brain activity.”

    “The right hemisphere of the brain controls a person’s cognitive skills. The right side of the brain also controls muscle movements on the left side of the body. A head injury that affects the right side of the brain may lead to specific symptoms. Damage to the right hemisphere may lead to communication and cognition issues.”

    yup. No surprises there.
    he’s going to really hurt himself- he should stop and get a room at hussein’s, like jarrett, the iranian anchor baby. I’d rather not see him stroke out during a debate.

  8. not to throw water on all this fun, but actually….

    it’s perfectly normal for the white of the eye to turn red for no reason at all….goes away in a couple days…

    freaked me out the first time, but then i got edimacated about it…….

  9. @Jimmy ~ I, for one, have no empathy or sorrow for people like Joe Biden. he deserves all the scorn & punishment that hits him in this life for the harm he’s done to many, many people better than himself. he has lied, cheated, stolen & molested his way to the top of our corrupt system … & you want to feel sorry for him? & have him grope more unwilling pre-pubescents? be my guest. I won’t go there.

    jeez bro, no one is banging him in the head w/ a hammer to make him run (other than himself … & possibly ‘Dr.’ Jill).

  10. It was meant as feigned empathy, ΜΟΛΩΝ. I probably didn’t put enough clues in it. But if anyone cared for him, they would repeat Obama’s admonition, I think. “Joe, you don’t have to do this.” And he really shouldn’t based on his age and mental/physical health alone.


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