Biden’s Failed Gaza Pier Removed Due To Weather, Officials Say – IOTW Report

Biden’s Failed Gaza Pier Removed Due To Weather, Officials Say


The U.S.-built military pier in the Gaza Strip has been removed due to weather concerns and it is unclear whether it will be reinstalled, several anonymous U.S. officials told the Associated Press on Friday.

President Joe Biden’s $230 million pier has done little to usher aid to Gazan civilians since its original installment in early May. Several aid groups deemed the project a failure last week for being largely ineffective. It suffered significant damage from the sea just 10 days after installation, and many of the 137 trucks of aid that were transported were intercepted before they could reach civilians, the Pentagon said. more

16 Comments on Biden’s Failed Gaza Pier Removed Due To Weather, Officials Say

  1. Weird. I was told by Alex Jones that the Globalists control the weather. Maybe it’s a work in progress. Or maybe the Globalists really do control the weather and didn’t actually want the Gaza pier, but they had to keep up the charade.

  2. Weather, my ass. The goddamned idiots knew more than the people who actually design the facilities they make decisions based on politely expediency regarding. It is the same in everything from stop signs to major infrastructure to whatever. There is no actual engineering in anything the government has any part in any longer. It’s all politics.

  3. The U.S. government will proceed to waste millions of taxpayer dollars to disassemble that worthless pier, even though it is being destroyed by the Mediterranean sea…for free!

  4. Hamas = Gazans
    Gazans = Hamas.

    The pier was a method of paying off someone connected to the Biden crime family.
    A $230 million pier? Seriously? That couldn’t take a few waves?
    I smell bullshit.
    Or maybe I’m smelling DEI Engineering and Construction?

    How much did the Mulberrys (Mulberries?) cost (adjusted for inflation) back in ’44?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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