Biden’s Fake White House Set Located Across The Street From Real White House – IOTW Report

Biden’s Fake White House Set Located Across The Street From Real White House

National File-Joe Biden’s fake White House television set, on which he acts like he is conducting presidential business, is actually located across the street from the White House according to a firsthand press report and photographic evidence. This revelation is especially disturbing as the political class in Washington attempts to pass a massive spending bill that would further loot the severely debt-ridden American government and the people who pay to prop up the whole system. Meanwhile, Joe Biden has hit a new low in his approval rating according even to the Quinnipiac poll, which is now 38 percent, a 12 point drop since February of this year.

Quinnipiac states: “President Joe Biden receives a negative 38 – 53 percent job approval rating, the lowest score he’s received from the American people on his job performance since taking office, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today. In Quinnipiac’s last national poll released 3 weeks ago, he received a negative 42 – 50 percent job approval rating. Today, Republicans (94 – 4 percent) and independents (60 – 32 percent) disapprove of the job Biden is doing, while Democrats approve 80 – 10 percent.” more

23 Comments on Biden’s Fake White House Set Located Across The Street From Real White House

  1. I’ve got the only poll that matters.

    And I very much approve of everything he is told to do.

    Suck it, losers.

    You will never overcome me.

    Ask Canada.

    They can tell you.

  2. Is that Soros I see through the window of the real White House conducting business? Wouldn’t surprise me at all, he’s destroying our country along with the fools that he’s paying to go along with it, and here we sit doing nothing. 😣

  3. why?
    why the fake “set”?
    what possible use could it have?
    why not just issue his decrees from the actual white house?
    something besides biden just isn’t right here.

  4. Joe and Jill ran up to the Hill to grab a barrel of money. Joe fell down and broke his crown and Jill took the money, hired an actor and went to the beach. The End.

  5. Maybe its time to update the old ditty from World War 2, Whistle while you work Hitler is a jerk, Mussolini bit his weenie and now it doesn’t work to Whistle while you work Biden is a jerk, General Milley bit his willie and now it doesn’t work.

  6. geoff the aardvark
    OCTOBER 8, 2021 AT 8:58 AM

    “Whistle while you work Biden is a jerk, General Milley bit his willie and now it doesn’t work.”

    It works. Last time I looked, Pedo was fucking us ALL with it.

    When he’s not raping children, that is.

  7. The Pedo is at 28%, you must always subtract the baked in slat of every polling agency.

    The fake set is to afford him the ability to avoid a teleprompter screen in front if his satanic face.

    It’s an attempt to make him seem more aware and agile while reading verbatim from a screen.

    The Ohio Pennsylvania Illinois President is melting before our eyes no matter how desperately they kabuki his senile theater of the absurd.

  8. It probably takes hours of takes and retakes to get a five minute statement out of FJB. They could start at dawn and still not wrap by 5:00. In the real white house it would look strange to have the sunlight track across the window IRL as the day dragged on and on.

  9. The Real White House smelled too much like fresh PISS at that time, so it was off to Studio Deuce.

    Note: Studio Deuce is a registered trademark of “Depends” parent Corporation” and may not be used without express written consent from Kimberly-Clark.

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