Biden’s Historic Surrender to the Taliban Traumatized Foreign Pilots Who Are Now Speaking Out – IOTW Report

Biden’s Historic Surrender to the Taliban Traumatized Foreign Pilots Who Are Now Speaking Out

GP: In September 2021 Joe Biden surrendered to the Taliban, armed them with over $80 billion in US equipment and weapons, abandoned US citizens and green card holders on the ground, and fled the country.

Biden left Bagram Air Base in the middle of the night. The Taliban emptied the prison there days later and one of the prisoners blew up 13 American military men and women at the Kabul airport during the airlift.

Before fleeing Afghanistan in a rush last fall Joe Biden armed the Taliban terrorist organization with apporximately $80 billion in US weapons. The White House and Pentagon have never admitted to how many billion dollars worth of weapons they left behind for the Islamist group.

Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US arms.

Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden decided to leave the nearly $85 billion worth of US military equipment to the Taliban.

As The Gateway Pundit reported on Sunday — Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program.

This more complete list was created with public information and help from other intelligence sources.

The list does not include all the extra kinds of nonlethal equipment, everything from MRE’s, Medical Equipment, and even energy drinks. read more

12 Comments on Biden’s Historic Surrender to the Taliban Traumatized Foreign Pilots Who Are Now Speaking Out

  1. They left hundred of radios behind that were CCI – cryptographically controlled items. That’s like the Nazis leaving Enigma machines lying around. No excuse for this level of incompetence/corruption.

  2. Joe Biden gifted to the Taliban.
    Either for a past payout or future call to duty?
    It was a payoff.
    $85 Billion, now the third largest army in the world.
    How much have they sold to other enemies of America, would be a better question.

  3. That was when the gutless republicans should have impeached the pedo, and Miley should have been tried and executed for treason. And both POSs are secure in their positions 2 years later. The technology was sold to our enemies for $10 million, and delivered in broad daylight, right in front of the world.


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