Biden’s *Inauguration Day rehearsal canceled, Capitol evacuated for ‘external security threat’ – IOTW Report

Biden’s *Inauguration Day rehearsal canceled, Capitol evacuated for ‘external security threat’

Another social media post, with a picture, states the fire is at a “homeless encampment.”

32 Comments on Biden’s *Inauguration Day rehearsal canceled, Capitol evacuated for ‘external security threat’

  1. …you know, I do believe that Biden genuinely believes there will be an attempt on his worthless life, but the funny thing is that he STILL doesn’t realize that he will be murdered by his own Party so they can have a “Black” figurehead again and wave his bloody shirt around while they disarm and persecute their political opponents, so no matter how deep he goes in the basement, his REAL assasins will be right there WITH him…

  2. Bottom line: Biden will be taken out and Trump supporters will be blamed. Gun confiscation attempts soon after.

    Then, COVID passports required to travel, or work.

    Then Tele screens mandatory in each household.

    “It’s for the children…..”

  3. Whats the most troubling is the amount of people in government that had to go along with this. This includes the top ranks of the military, all intelligence services and elected officials.
    Those that didn’t agree were removed or intimidated into compliance.
    Even Trump seems to be hunkered down and quietly awaiting his departure while isolated by his lawyers.
    Something about the events going on in DC still seems very fishy to me.
    The over the top security without any groups of supporters or protesters forming or on the way for one thing.
    It seems out of character for Trump to be acting this way.
    Maybe I’m just clutching at straws.

  4. Oh Canada!!!
    20 million US conservatives move to Canada.
    With at least half of the 36 million Canadians identifying as conservatives, in 5 years, we own it and change the constitution and form of government to more closely resemble the current US one.
    Soon, the interior US (the flyover deplorables) see what is going on to their north, and ask to join.
    That leaves the 2 coastal elite academic liberal enclaves to descend into the shitholes they seem to deserve to be.
    After they collapse under the weight of communism, they will be begging for reunification, which may or may not happen depending on their attitude.
    Show me something better.

  5. I’m surprised that Disney didn’t loan them the robot of Joebama that’s supposed to stand and look dumb there in Epcot–surely they could program it to give a speech, resign from office, make a deal with the Chicoms.

  6. So………….The arrests have started then. Do you think they picked up Dosey,Zucker or Zuckerman yet?
    Oh……..Bezos too!………Google?
    WTF were these Goebbelists thinking? #Cancel the U.N. #liberaltyranny

  7. Is anyone even sure Biden is alive at this point? He didn’t run a campaign. He’s not having an inauguration.

    I’m fairly certain that he’s just a 3D image with alot of system errors and glitches projected in 480p.

  8. I agree with SNS, that the Dems will find a way to murder Biden in a false flag operation to gin up support for some kind of gun ban. They will wait (if they can) until after 2 years, that way Harris can run for 2 more terms, being President for 10 years.

  9. “That leaves the 2 coastal elite academic liberal enclaves to descend into the shitholes they seem to deserve to be.”

    Then declare a no-fly zone between the two over Freedom Land.

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