Biden’s Inspiring Vision of Defeating COVID-19 Is Depressingly Bleak – IOTW Report

Biden’s Inspiring Vision of Defeating COVID-19 Is Depressingly Bleak


On Thursday, President Joe Biden held out a promise of returning to normalcy amid the COVID-19 pandemic that perfectly encapsulates the depressing nature of his presidency. After meandering and dead boring remarks about the toll of COVID-19, the existence of drive-in vaccine centers, and the progress Biden’s administration has made in the past 50 days, the president got to the part of his speech that was clearly intended to be uplifting.

Instead, it will likely hit Americans like a ton of bricks.

In leading up to his grand vision of a restored America, Biden started to get a bit creepy.

“I will not relent until we beat this virus, but I need you, the American people, I need you. I need every American to do their part. And that’s not hyperbole, I need you. I need you to get vaccinated when it’s your turn and you can find an opportunity, and to help your family, your friends, your neighbors, get vaccinated as well,” he said.

Americans have been struggling with the pandemic for almost an entire year, hunkering down in lockdowns, trying to give school-deprived children hope, postponing gatherings with family and friends, and struggling to keep businesses open amid government restrictions. Yet Biden attempted to hold out a great promise, a goal to strive for that would make all the struggle worth it.

What is that magnificent goal — the grand prize for struggling through this extremely difficult year? A barbecue with family and friends — mind you, not a large one, and even that may not happen because the experts may start a new round of lockdowns.

“Because here’s the point, if we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by July the fourth, there’s a good chance you, your families and friends, will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day. That doesn’t mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together,” Biden said in what appears to have been the climax of his speech.

“After this long, hard year, that will make this Independence Day something truly special, where we not only mark our independence as a nation, but we begin to mark our independence from this virus,” the president declared.

Yet Biden also warned that this grand Elysian vision of a July Fourth paradise may not come to pass. read more

26 Comments on Biden’s Inspiring Vision of Defeating COVID-19 Is Depressingly Bleak

  1. I don’t need this dessicated frauds permission to gather with friends. I’ll do as I damn well please as a free man and American.

    And I refuse to take the vaccine.

  2. I tried to watch POTATUS, I really did try.

    Instead I ended up swearing while giving him the finger then skipping ahead 30 seconds using the “skip” button on the DVR. Over and over.

    I was done watching in about 3 minutes.

    What an ass. The worst speech I’ve heard from any president ever.

  3. We had a neighborhood gathering LAST 4th of July with at least 50 people,

    No one died.

    We had 30 people in a basement for the Super Bowl no one died.

    We’ll keep doing what we want to do you sick old f*ck.

  4. “…Americans have been struggling with the pandemic for almost an entire year…”

    No, I haven’t been struggling with it at all (and I even contracted it, supposedly). What I – and the rest of the world – have been struggling with is the government created and perpetuated crisis. YOU have manipulated this flu virus to serve your purposes, and I refuse to be manipulated.

  5. Dagnabitt! Now Anonymous has to be cancelled!

    He either only wants men to be able to secede, or he used a racist term by saying boys, or….I don’t know, but someone will be offended!

    And he used a curse word! Oh the calamity!

  6. As a non-P.O.C., I hereby check my privilege and abdicate any vaccine allocated for me so that a more gullible guinea pig — I mean, deserving person of color — can be vaccinated instead. And I encourage you all to do the same.

  7. Your country is being run by a GREEN SCREEN.

    The image is 2 Dementia with artifacts around all the edges including his hand movements.

    Pre-recorded and 2 dementia is not a spelling mistake.

  8. Didn’t watch. Read what he said and it was pretty much do what we say or stay licked down under our control.

    Thankfully some states are standing up for their tenth amendment rights.

    Of course that was pre-recorded.
    His first “big” speech. 20 minutes of “big” speech.
    His puppet masters wouldn’t take the chance on a live speech.

    Off topic….Kommiela has been getting the daily security briefings Obiden is supposed to be getting.

    I give it until May and he’ll be gone.
    Any bets on who Obama will choose for Harris’ VP?
    Rice maybe?

  9. Old crazy joe might be able to have a backyard barbecue with his co-habitants at the nursing home on July 4th if you all do your part and give up another three months of freedom and humanhood! We are all in this together!!!! Do your part and help senile joe thrive in his old age dotage!

  10. I give him until possibly the end of June or July. It won’t be Susan Rice or any other of the usual suspects named as Vice President. If I were a betting man, I would put my wampum on Valerie Jarrett.

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