Biden’s Mental Incompetency Was Only Revealed to Give the FBI an Excuse Not to Prosecute Him – IOTW Report

Biden’s Mental Incompetency Was Only Revealed to Give the FBI an Excuse Not to Prosecute Him


Special Counsel Robert Hur only revealed President Joe Biden’s mental incompetency in order to explain why he was not being prosecuted, Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow in a Friday interview.

Kudlow led a panel discussion with Carney, National Review Editor-in-Chief Rich Lowry, and Forbes Media Chairmen and Editor-in-Chief Steve Forbes about why Biden’s own Department of Justice (DOJ) allowed the special counsel’s report to include such damning information about his mental decline.

Carney argued that Hur’s descriptions of the president’s mental state were the DOJ’s only basis for not charging Biden in light of the report’s finding that he had “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. more

20 Comments on Biden’s Mental Incompetency Was Only Revealed to Give the FBI an Excuse Not to Prosecute Him

  1. He wasn’t incompetent when he took the materials as a senator or vice president.
    The bigger picture is that it shows he’s not the one making the decisions in his administration.
    There’s more questions than answers.

  2. they can still empanel grand jury on charges so this is a very public threat for shitpants to cooperate. My guess is the disgusting shrike wife is already stealing White House furnishings. Maybe she can store them in a certain Chappaqua garage.

  3. I notice that, while talking about his document RETETION that they manage to avoid mentioning that, as a vice president with NO right to remove them, that he STOLE them in the FIRST place.

    Which is ALSO a prosecutable offense.

  4. Let the findings speak for themselves, let the grand jury indict him, then let it go to court where he can stand trial or claim incompetence to materially aide in his defense. But the cranky old bastard sure looks guilty from here. Oh, ny the way, his handlers are all accessories.

  5. UNIPARTY has been. and still is, strong for 65 years because it protects its own. “Bush Republicans” are the apex of UNIPARTY.

    Seems to me many here have forgot “Bush Reublican” Comey prtecting Clinton 8 years ago. Bush’s boy in essence said, “She broke many laws. Committed hundreds of felonies. But we will not arest and prosecute becuse we do not know she did it intentionally. We cant read her mind”! !%^&*!@

    Miths boy Garland picked hur because Hur is a “Bush Republican”
    All “Bush Republicans” have always protectedUNIPARTY!
    HERR Gruppenfuhrer Mueller to me the wurst – not food!-! igitt

  6. Cruised by a lib site this morning to get a take from the commenters on president sippy-cup’s latest brain farts. The bottom line? All perfectly normal, especially given the stress he’s under from the border, the middle east and working 4 or 5 hours a day (ok, that last point was mine). Pretzel logic and full bore denial at its finest. I have christened them dementia deniers.

  7. Here’s the possible scenario. The “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” defense will be implemented before any indictment can be issued. He will probably be declared incompetent to stand trail.
    When Biden figures out he has no choice, he’ll be Dementia Joe to the hilt to stay out of jail.

    Also, the media will attempt to sway public opinion. Conditioning leftist tools who don’t know the truth, to accept Biden’s replacement – whoever that is.

    The media propaganda theme could be “How can any fair justice be met against a man who has Alzheimers?” Yep, they’re going to admit it.
    Guess how far back the diagnosis will be? All the way back to the days of his Senate and Vice President positions.

    The left doesn’t care about the conflict that Biden has been “serving” as pResident with senility. He was too good of a useful idiot for the left to pass up.

    The fix is indeed in, but the left doesn’t consider the God factor. At this point only God can make sure justice is served and Biden, his handlers pay for their crimes.


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