Biden’s New Medicine Rules Have Pharmaceutical Companies Slow-Walking New Therapies – IOTW Report

Biden’s New Medicine Rules Have Pharmaceutical Companies Slow-Walking New Therapies

Wasn’t he in charge of curing cancer or something?

Treatments for ovarian cancer, Stargardt Disease, bile duct cancer, bladder cancer, multiple myeloma, mesothelioma, different kinds of blood cancer and hemochromatosis are among the diseases being slow-walked or canceled by drug companies. MORE

17 Comments on Biden’s New Medicine Rules Have Pharmaceutical Companies Slow-Walking New Therapies

  1. Also Pfizer bought up the company that makes medications to treat myocarditis and pericarditis.
    So after infecting everybody for free(taxpayer $), they can offer up the cure for more free money.

  2. Poisonus? What does not kill you makes you stronger? Right, of course it is. They never claimed it was a cure. Remember this was promoted by Mr Trump, yet he is still kicking. Someday, someone will leak out what financial investments he made into it.

  3. Like so many other words these days, “negotiations” has been redefined. Now it means, “take it or suffer the consequences”.

    “That sure is a mighty fine business you got there. How’s about cutting us in as the majority owner? It’d be real unfortunate if something bad happened to you while you slept in your bed tonight.”

  4. The jab has created hundreds of thousands of new cases of cancers. Since their goal was to depopulate the planet, why would anyone work to try and address these before they kill? Its all part of the plan people.

  5. Trump was faced with the possibility that the new Covid outbreak was a bio weapon, China was welding people into their apartment hovels and Pfizer plus JJ were the first with an option…JJ with a vaccine, Pfizer with a gene therapy that causes cancer and may even change our species over time having used the spike protein rather than a snipit of the virus cell nucleus instructions…history has only begun to show the Pfizer mass destruction of humanity. JJ cannot be found anymore and morons blame Trump. Everyone will be infected by mRNA over the next few years due to delivery systems being developed thanks to Biden and his Leftist masters..Trump will go down as a mass murderer thanks to propaganda..

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