Biden’s odd appearance while volunteering at food bank sparks speculation firestorm – IOTW Report

Biden’s odd appearance while volunteering at food bank sparks speculation firestorm

Biden entered the charity food bank event wearing a mask, a hat, and sunglasses as well as protective gloves and waved to supporters.

BPR: Proving just how corrupt they are, better than any could hope for, the same media that locked in a four-year-long vendetta with President Donald Trump is gushing over the incoming Biden administration.

In addition to the media fawning over Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s number two, who was arguably tapped for her gender and skin color, Biden is drawing glowing coverage — even when a little scrutiny is in order.

One such example took place on Monday when Biden marked Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a photo-op at a South Philly food bank known as Philabundance.

But you’d be hard-pressed to know it was Joe, considering he was wearing a dark hat, dark sunglasses, and a large, dark face mask, obscuring the entire front of his face. more

21 Comments on Biden’s odd appearance while volunteering at food bank sparks speculation firestorm

  1. “Joe Biden’s number two, who was arguably tapped for her gender and skin color..’

    WHO could be stupid enough to honestly argue that she was “tapped” for any other reason??

    –Only 3% support from democrats in a field of total losers
    –No legitimate accomplishments despite a lifelong career in ‘public service’
    –Generally known to have advanced her career by whoring herself to an old married man, there’s that

  2. Biden entered the charity food bank event wearing a mask, a hat, and sunglasses…

    A paper bag over his head would have done the same thing, but he wanted to avoid being called the Unknown Pervert!

  3. This may be a little off topic, but I have heard several people say that politicians are using ‘body doubles’. Supposedly, somewhere online there are photos and thus, proof. I have not been able to confirm this but I guess anything is possible. Anyone else heard about this?

  4. Trust me, after the Inauguration, we’ll never see the real Biden in public ever again. Morgues nationwide have been cleaned out of Biden body-doubles and wired for robotic motion by Disney’s Animatronics.

  5. A box of food? A crate?

    Sheeyit. The only thing Joe is loading these days is his diaper.

    And that’s why he only won a stolen election. Harris didn’t even five an interview after he affirmative actioned her.

    Now the media is rolling around in the wet spot of her inevitable First Woman President status. A real inspirational story there. Sucked a dick and waited for a man to die. All women should live by her example.

  6. My male yellow tabby cat is named Finnegan, Finnegan McGee to be exact. I had a lady boss who was named Finn a couple of years ago. I wanted to name the cat Ignatz, Iggy for short but my daughter overruled me and named him Finn. He’s totally her cat, he likes her far more than he does me.

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