Biden’s popularity sinking in the White House as unhappy staffers plan post-holiday exit: report – IOTW Report

Biden’s popularity sinking in the White House as unhappy staffers plan post-holiday exit: report


Morale among staffers is reportedly low in President Biden’s White House as his first year in office comes to a close and polls show his popularity underwater with the majority of Americans.

According to a Politico report late Wednesday, White House staffers are unhappy with their jobs to the point where they anonymously leaked to the online publication in hopes that senior staffers would be alerted to the lack of comradery and overall happiness in the workplace.

“A lot of the natural coordination that happens in a typically functioning White House has been lost, and there has been no proactive effort to make up for it through intentional team building,” one White House official said.

Staffers say they have struggled with virtual events and some staffers have complained that those who are “outsiders” to Biden’s inside circle and network are often left out.

Additionally, staffers say they have been left out of certain events while staffers from around the capital are invited in their stead due to a “lottery system” used to decide who comes to certain gatherings.

“It’s also hypocritical and ironic that a president whose brand is built on empathy and family has staff policies that fly in the face of that brand,” one staffer said. “It’s not a good look, and it’s emblematic of how this place runs.” more here

8 Comments on Biden’s popularity sinking in the White House as unhappy staffers plan post-holiday exit: report

  1. Remember when Trump was raked over the coals because of his staffs revolving door? Most if not all of them were fired for being ineffectual while these rats are jumping ship of their own accord. Probably getting tired of it smelling like a shitty diaper day care in the White house.

  2. It seems like only a couple of weeks ago that the Biden people were making plans to get rid of Kamala, who is also mean to her staffers. Now Biden’s staffers are making plans to leave the mean old Bidens? Oh well. I reckon the rats know a sinking ship when they see one.

    Of course, this could all just be more bullshit from bored journos, who get treated worse than anybody’s staffers. You can tell they’re getting sick of him when they ask sarcastically—yet with justified alarm—if he’s planning to run again in 2024.

    Still, the cabal may ease Joe out early next year so they can hang the disastrous 2022 midterms around Kamala’s neck. They’re not happy with anybody, but they have only themselves to blame.

  3. There is always a turnover at the top of the staff food chain, no matter who is the President. I am not sure if this normally applies to the lower staff since I don’t remember hearing about them in the past.

    I also don’t remember an Administration that treats the real working staff this way:

    Standard “for me and not for thee” democrat playbook


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