Biden’s rally in NC goes about as well as his debate performance – IOTW Report

Biden’s rally in NC goes about as well as his debate performance

Joe Biden is at it again, folks. And by “at it,” we mean he’s continuing his grand tour of bumbling and fumbling across America’s stages. This time, he landed in North Carolina at a campaign rally, where things went just as disastrously as his recent debate debacle.

9 Comments on Biden’s rally in NC goes about as well as his debate performance

  1. Grandpa “Get Off My Lawn” Joe showed up at that so called rally. Yelling like everyone is hard of hearing like him. Demwit NC Governor Cooper introduced the old fool. They tried hard to make it like a Trump rally.

    Most in attendance were precinct leaders and paid campaign officials from NC and nearby states. It was a wasted trip. Dementia Joe is not going to win North Carolina.

  2. Morals of an alley cat???
    Hey Asshole! you have a whole family of abused children, crack-heads, crack whores, drug addicts, alcoholics, filthy perverts and criminals! Hell that alley cat you call Hunter was jumping the bones his brother’s wife while Beau was still in the hospital! How fucked up is THAT??? Then there are all the dogs you fucked up that couldn’t stand you! Is it any wonder the American people are sick and fed up with you!

  3. Rally, rally in Raleigh? Whom cares? If those who actually run this ex-republic want this demented geezer in office, in office he shall be. So what? Whom cares? We can have no effect on the issue, though to be a pain in the ass I am voting as often as I can. But in the end all this time and energy as well as money is wasted on this subject, just ask the master whom he/she/it/zim/zir/zippity do dah wants and there you have it.


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