Biden’s Spokeshole Throws 0bama Under The Bus: Says Hunter Was Cleared by Obama White House to Serve on Burisma Board – IOTW Report

Biden’s Spokeshole Throws 0bama Under The Bus: Says Hunter Was Cleared by Obama White House to Serve on Burisma Board

Beep! Beep!

PJM: Earlier this week, Biden campaign spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield attempted to defend the Biden family’s shady business dealings in Ukraine while Joe was vice president, and ended up implicating Barack Obama instead.

While his father was vice president and handling U.S. relations with Ukraine, Hunter Biden got a lucrative position on the board of Burisma Holdings. Despite having no experience in the field, Hunter Biden was making as much a $166,000 a month, sparking allegations that he was selling access to the White House.

“Every single independent outlet that’s looked into this has said there’s no issue of wrongdoing here,” Bedingfield claimed, before adding, “In 2014 the White House cleared Hunter Biden serving on that board.”

That’s right, she admitted that the Obama White House cleared Hunter Biden sitting on Burisma’s board. more here

15 Comments on Biden’s Spokeshole Throws 0bama Under The Bus: Says Hunter Was Cleared by Obama White House to Serve on Burisma Board

  1. Joe Biden: The gift that keeps on giving!

    (Just now watching Foxhole News with another pro-Biden poll out which states 64% of Dems will not be unpersuaded to vote for Biden despite news of his scandals.)

  2. Biden needs to produce the release. I also want to see the transcripts from Obama giving Hillary Carte Blanche to sell secretary of state to the highest bidders while she was part of his administration.

  3. Well, then Hunter and Joe should have plenty of money for lawyers.

    “Lawyer-up, Joe.”

    “What are you talking about, man? We’re gonna impeach this president! I don’t need no lawyer!”

    (Phone rings…)

    “Joe, it’s your lawyer. Conference call with Hunter…”

  4. “Every single independent outlet that’s looked into this has said there’s no issue of wrongdoing here,”
    That’s a problem, there isn’t a single independent outlet anymore.

  5. I’ve heard he made $50k, $100k, now $166k a month. Which is it?
    U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.
    If you assume the take was split 50/50 w/ partner Devon Archer then > $83,000 / month or Hunter could have gotten the lion’s share.

  6. I don’t believe it was Obama who just got thrown under the bus it was Biden. Obama can find some schlep from the WH to admit they approved Hunter and that the boss didn’t know anything about it. The Dem’s are allowing stuff to trickle out now in preparation for Biden withdrawing from the race in order to focus all his attention in clearing his name from these attacks by Trump. Get ready for the real candidate to announce before the end of the year.


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