Biden’s upcoming SOTU: I smell a rat – IOTW Report

Biden’s upcoming SOTU: I smell a rat

Patriot Retort: I’m beginning to smell a rat over Biden’s upcoming State of the Union Address.

Maybe it’s because the Democrats always plan performative displays while the cameras are rolling that I suspect they’re planning a big Optics Performance to create the illusion that Biden’s first year in office was a success.

Let me explain.

Yesterday it was reported that the House Sergeant at Arms released a memo saying that, unlike last year, all members of Congress will be allowed to attend Biden’s March 1 State of the Union address in person.

Now, there will be COVID “safety measures” in place, namely a negative COVID test and mandatory N95 masks for everyone in attendance.

When I saw the news on Twitter yesterday, my spider-sense was tingling on all six cylinders and I began to smell a rat.

Admittedly, I generally smell a rat whenever Democrats are involved.

My faith in our federal institutions and the Democrats who run them are so non-existent, it’s hard not to smell a rat with these guys.

So let me tell you what I think is going to happen at Biden’s State of the Union Address. more

35 Comments on Biden’s upcoming SOTU: I smell a rat

  1. Obviously, this is planned by Jill, the White House resident intellect. At the end of the incoherent blurbel, each attendee will get a free crack pipe engraved with one of Hunter’s artistic masterpieces.

  2. I do get a sense some sneaky smart bastard or bitch has been brought in to triangulate the Pedos abject imbecility into a facsimile of positivity regarding Russia, so why not Covid?

    If Russia backs off they will say it’s brilliance of the Pedo at work that prevented war, and if he attacks they will say the Pedo was brilliant for predicting it and instituting counter measures to punish Putin.

    See how that works? Nary a word about how Pedo pudding head is actually recklessly goading Putim into war in the first place.

    They are attempting the same thing by sending Commiela to broker with NATO. We all know the Pedo is now to far gone to manage the travel and spotlight of international exposure, so why not send in the tweener idiot?

    Again, if Putin restrains she gets credit, and if Putin attacks she gets credit for coordinating the response.

    Somebody new up there has stepped in as a fixer and he or she is a strategic thinker.

    So I give this theory a solid chance.

  3. Well never forget what the Obamanation said about Joe. “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”
    I’m sure they have something planned, but I think they’ll consider it a victory if Joe get through the speech without yesterdays mash potatoes running down his legs.

  4. “Besides, we know how the Democrats love to turn the State of the Union Address into a performative opportunity. Remember when all the black lawmakers showed up at Trump’s 2018 SOTU wearing Kente cloth scarves – you know because Trump is a racist? Or when all the women lawmakers showed up at Trump’s 2019 SOTU wearing white? Or when Nancy Pelosi pre-ripped the pages of Trump’s speech in 2020 so she could performatively rip it up after he finished?”

    …and remember when they wore purple for Hillary’s concession speech to denote that they were “resisting” the Presidency of Donald Trump because “the election was stolen”?

    …yep, that happened too.

    Right before they ACTUALLY stole an election, then told us it was IMPOSSIBLE to steal Presidential elections so suck it up and anyone who questions Pedo’s legitimacy is a racist who needs to go to January 6th Jail forever without trial.

  5. …but I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with dear Dianny on this one, for the simple reason that lifting illegal mask mandates would be GOOD and Democrats are an ENEMY of the GOOD and therefore won’t do anything that’s actually GOOD because that’s not who they are…

    …it may concern masks, but it might be to shove Chinese standard KN-95 mask mandates on us instead, that’s why they are insisting that Congress all wear them for the speech.

    Whatever they do, it will be 1) bad, and 2) advance tyranny.

    They HAVE to. It’s their BRAND.

    A Democrat could no more do good than a vampire could bathe in Holy Water.

    The most they can do is give the ILLUSION they will do good “sometime” or claim credit for good that happened in SPITE of them.

    Perfection cannot proceed from imperfection; by the same token, good cannot proceed from evil.

    They would burn Biden down themselves if he did it, and maybe they WILL. Something like using it as an excuse to 25th him, perhaps, or have a MAGA hat wearing FBI agent attack him during the speech, either way it could be used to replace him with Kamel, who nominates Hillary as veep, then steps aside to become a Supreme Court justice, clearing the way for “president Hillary”, and then the REAL vengeful tyranny can begin…

    …happy SOTU day, folks.

    It’s gonna make being trampled by horses in Canada look like a mild massage by comparison…

  6. That’s spelled A-n-y-m-o-u-s-e so I don’t get lumped into the anonymous group and painted by the brush used for them…

    Okay, who here is willing to actually watch the shit show and report back to the crew?

    I’m pretty sure there’ll be an open thread for live commentary, but that type of self abuse is more than I’m willing partake in…

    Volunteers? Anyone. anyone, anyone?

  7. “…they’ll consider it a victory if Joe get through the speech without yesterdays mash potatoes running down his legs.” -Brad

    Thanks, Brad. You just HAD to pick my favorite starch. (And I have potatoes planned for dinner.)

  8. Best president ever! I’ve already heard that from a few liberals. And a list of accomplishments (lies) to give the low information voters that warm and fuzzy feeling.
    Right now it’s all about damage control!

  9. Obama said to not underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up. They’ll have to pull the stunt off early before he starts reminiscing about the pudding break he took after laying a dead dog on Corn Pop’s porch back when he worked the mines of Scranton.

  10. I’m still drying out from the Obammy era drinking games during his SOTU teleprompter torture sessions.
    I don’t think I can handle a senile rambling old coot lying about his role in turning this country into what it’s become.

  11. The entire republican side should enter masked and remove them as soon as sleepy starts his yammering. Preemptive strike. If it’s true that sleepy is planning to announce the end of mandates, they upstage him. If he doesn’t, they call it a protest over following faulty science.

    But, those pussies won’t

  12. Would love to have Sens Sinema & Manchin as part of the GOP’s rebuttal afterwards; because you know he will trash both of them in his SOTU over BBB. Also want to see camera on Justice Thomas’ face when Joe talks about a black woman on the SC, after the Hi-tech lynch he tried with Clarence 30 years ago…

  13. I went to Walmart day before yesterday.
    I don’t need some retard who lives in a bubble telling me the state of the union.
    Watch the prices of precious metals, beef, bacon, and ammo – tells you all you need to know without any political “spin” (lies) or other bullshit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  14. None for me; I’ve had my fill of stoopid for the year. I think Dianny may be right, but I will not be watching …for the reason previously stated. If any of you are able to sit through it, let me know what happens.


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