Biden’s Vax Mandate Finally Released–OSHA Will Send Out Agents To Ensure Compliance – IOTW Report

Biden’s Vax Mandate Finally Released–OSHA Will Send Out Agents To Ensure Compliance

Tens of millions of Americans who work at companies with 100 or more employees will need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Jan. 4 or get tested for the virus weekly.

Palmieri Report: The Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for private employers has finally been released.
A company can be fined up to $136,532 for violating the mandate.
The standard penalty is $13,653.
OSHA agents will be sent out to enforce the mandate.
They also are going to consider expanding the vaccine mandate to businesses with fewer than 100 employees. more here


37 Comments on Biden’s Vax Mandate Finally Released–OSHA Will Send Out Agents To Ensure Compliance

  1. Totally fucking illegal. The only reason many companies aren’t suing is because they don’t want to miss out on government contracts. It’s gonna cause huge labor hassles those. Brandon is such a fucktard.

  2. The usual suspects will be exempt.
    Well, now that they set ‘rules’, the lawsuits can start.
    Oh- but not just against the government, but against employers, too.
    Even the ones with under 100 employees.

    This is what happens when you’re WOKE.

  3. Sooooo… if we are in a pandemic emergency and certain mandates are necessary to reduce the spread… seems like waiting a couple of months for ‘political reasons’ is pretty damn stupid. Which of course means that the mandates are likely pretty damn stupid.

  4. “…or get tested for the virus weekly”

    That’s just an out for the government to claim they’re not forcing a risky medical procedure on anyone, merely giving people a choice. Which the craven SCOTUS will agree with when the case gets there. But what employer can afford weekly testing for hundreds of employees? The cost will be too high, and it will be foisted on unjabbed employees, who can’t afford weekly tests and will have to submit to the jab or quit the job.

  5. Thirdtwin- which is precisely why the businesses should sue. It doesn’t even need to get to worthless scotus.

    If people go along with and accept this latest attempt, there’s no stopping the feds from requiring you to pay for your own tests, and to show negative rona test results to a store owner before you shop for groceries. They already do this at concerts and sporting events. They’ll just expand it.

    It’ll be really weird if the people who the Left say don’t know how to get ID to vote, will suddenly be forced to show their papers when they walk into a mall or a grocery store.

  6. Weekly testing?
    That’s in there to boost the income or other big Pharma companies. Where will all these tests come from? Enough for 10s of millions of employees to test weekly? The supply chain is clogged already (maybe part of the plan).

  7. @MJA – show negative rona test results to a store owner before you shop for groceries…

    But nothing stopping those who wish to wander into a store all casual-like and grab $950 of merch and split without paying. That’s gonna be me too if they start checking papers.

  8. The Chairman Xiden administration still has plans to implement vaccine mandates, even if you don’t work – on unemployment, on welfare or work at home.
    Everyone, except illegals running the border will eventually be forced to choose the jab or go broke and starve – if you’re “on the grid” depending on the system.
    Prayfully, the collapse of the communist network, ruling the U.S. Capitol and White House will be crushed by the large amount of resistance/backlash that seems to be increasing with every Xiden mandate crackdown.

  9. Weekly testing for a disease so insidious and cunning that you have to be tested to know if you have it. Makes perfect sense, just like daylight saving time and shutting down coal plants so we can power our cars with windmills and solar panels.

    Maybe a new test is needed. Have unvaxxed employees cough in the face of an OSHA inspector. If he is still alive the next week, repeat until he isn’t.

  10. I am hoping and praying that these same doctors who have told us what is IN the so-called vaccine, will now come out with something to COUNTERACT the so-called vaccine. Seems to me that is the only way around this bullshit (other than ammo, that is).

  11. CCNV – a viral anti-missile missile? To counter the vax ticking time bomb inside of people?

    Wait. I need to think about my metaphors here and consult our rocket brain surgeon.

  12. “Get ready for Airline, Shipping and Delivery Delays!”

    Water, electrical and natural gas transport may not experience “delays”. Non-zero chance they could all suffer ‘interruptions’ if staffing levels take a sudden hit.


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