Biden’s visitor logs to his Delaware home won’t be released, White House says – IOTW Report

Biden’s visitor logs to his Delaware home won’t be released, White House says

JustTheNews: President Joe Biden won’t be releasing visitor logs from his Delaware homes, where he has visited 17 times in six months, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said during a press briefing on Wednesday.

“I can confirm we are not going to be providing information about the comings and goings of the president’s grandchildren or people visiting him in Delaware,” Psaki said, responding to a question from The New York Post regarding “whether Biden would release visitor logs, including of relatives with potential conflicts of interest.”

The Biden administration has previously claimed that it is committed to transparency, as it resumed the practice of partially releasing White House visitor logs, which had ceased during the Trump administration because they said many entries were withheld, giving it a false sense of transparency, The Post reported.

“These logs give the public a look into the visitors entering and exiting the White House campus for appointments, tours, and official business — making good on President Biden’s commitment to restore integrity, transparency, and trust in government,” the White House said in May.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told The Post that not releasing visitor logs of Biden’s Delaware residences “makes a mockery” of the visitor log transparency claims from the White House. read more

8 Comments on Biden’s visitor logs to his Delaware home won’t be released, White House says

  1. So what’s up with Dr.Jill lately? Haven’t heard much from her since she came back from Japan with something stuck in her foot. No new magazine cover? No important new government assignments? I’m worried about her.

  2. Why would anyone care one way or another about his grandkids coming and going? How stupid does she think we all are? It’s the conflict of interest visitors we want to know about you dumb kunt.

  3. No transparency in the biden administration (NO visitor logs).
    Joe is acting as Hunter’s art agent in Delaware, for the Big Guy’s 10% commission.
    Secondly his visitors will not show mental health professionals “visiting”.

  4. When I was a student in another country, the college had several dormitories with greatly varying degrees of comfort and convenience. When you arrived on campus you’d go to the Head of housing for your assignment to quarters. Invariably, you’d get a crummy room in an inconvenient place. But the Head would suggest that you could come back at 10 to see if something opened up. This meant he wanted $10 to upgrade your room. Larger gifts would receive even better accommodations. Not everyone knew the secret code, of course, which maintained the illusion of transparency.

    I have no idea what this has to do with Old Joe going home every weekend to play with his grandkids.

  5. First, Biden doesn’t run anything. Second, it’s scary who is running him. Third, there is something creepy going on involving his ‘visits’. Maybe medical treatments of some type?


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