Big Browser Bans Twitter Alternative App Over ‘Hate Speech’ – IOTW Report

Big Browser Bans Twitter Alternative App Over ‘Hate Speech’

DC:, the social media platform that was built as an alternative to Twitter, was banned on Google’s Play Store Thursday.

The move will make it impossible for users on Android phones and other Android-powered devices to use the app. According to Google Play Support, the app has been suspended and removed from Google Play as a “policy strike because it violates the hate speech policy” with links to the policy in question.

In December, the app — which bills itself as more welcome to free speech than Twitter —  was previously rejected by Apple’s App Store. Gab was told by Apple representatives that the application “includes pornographic content” posted by users — despite how Twitter also features similar user-generated content.

The move to remove Gab from the Play Store follows in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia that left one woman dead.

Gab allows users across political spectrum to post politically incorrect speech. Much like Twitter itself, the platform hosts numerous individuals tied to the alt-right.

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13 Comments on Big Browser Bans Twitter Alternative App Over ‘Hate Speech’

  1. Even the Russians wouldn’t go that far.
    Oh, wait:

    “A Russian web host says it removed the domain name of The Daily Stormer after the neo-Nazi website registered for a domain name in the country, according to a Radio Free Europe report published Thursday.

    The neo-Nazi site has received a massive amount of backlash for publishing a story that mocked the death of Elizabeth Heyer — a woman killed Saturday by a white supremacist who drove a car into a crowd in Charlottesville, Va.
    ‘ […]

  2. We need to have these big companies declared common carriers that are required to carry anything anyone wants to post as long as it is not illegal. They are too intrenched in the area of public discourse for them not to be so declared.

  3. What GAB needs to do is make the app downloadable from their website, then it can be side loaded. But you have to go and change some settings on your phone/tablet to allow for what’s called non-trusted apps (those which do not originate from goolag store). For years I’ve had android because I felt it was a more open platform than crapple, but with this shit it’s apparent that a new platform separate from these 2 fascist tech giants is sorely needed. If only crackberry had kept up with things instead of falling to the wayward times.


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