Big Government: Inconveniencing Families for 2000 Years – IOTW Report

Big Government: Inconveniencing Families for 2000 Years


When I was in college, part of the Christmas tradition on campus was gathering in Sky Lounge and listening to Professor McMillan read the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke.

Yeah, I went a Christian college. Our ways are probably strange and peculiar to most college students today.

Dr. McMillan did it up right. He’d sit by the fire in a rocking chair and read the story of Jesus’ birth.

And maybe that’s why I have my own tradition of sharing the Christmas story here at Patriot Retort.

Instead of simply reading the Gospel of Luke, I like to share a column I wrote in December 2014: “Big Government: Inconveniencing Families for 2000 Years.”

But what do you expect? is political commentary site after all.

But it’s still Christmasy.

So enjoy.

Big Government: Inconveniencing Families for 2000 Years – December 10, 2014

Well, hell. It’s snowing. And it’s been snowing for more than twelve hours. From the looks of things, the snow isn’t fixing to stop any time soon.

To some, the sight of all this snow inspires the holiday spirit. The whole, “Oh, look outside, honey. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!”

In the interests of full disclosure. I am not one of those people.

I love Christmas.

But I hate snow.

But I’ll play along.

“Oh, wowie! Look everyone! Snow!”

Nope. Sorry. Just isn’t working for me.

Any old how.

During a town hall in Nashville, Barack Obama once again proved to the world that he knows absolutely nothing about the Bible [hat tip Breitbart]. You see, Joseph and Mary, according to this noted theologian, were homeless wanderers forced to hole up in a stable.

If you have been a regular reader of mine, this particular theme will sound familiar because I touched on it last Christmas.

You know. The last time Barack Obama, Biblical Scholar declared that Mary and Joseph were illegal aliens who had no home in Bethlehem and had to live in the shadows of a stable.

Now, I’m probably not as knowledgeable a Biblical Scholar as Barack Obama.

You see, I only hold a measly Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies.

However, permit me to provide Barack with some, oh, what’s the word, context.

Rome was a micromanaging, Big Government that loved to stick its nose into the lives of the people who lived under its rule.

Sound familiar?   MORE HERE

4 Comments on Big Government: Inconveniencing Families for 2000 Years

  1. I’d love to hear him trash the Quran like that.

    Merry Christmas.
    Happy Hanukkah (yeah, I know it’s technically over)
    Happy Kwanzza (HA. Sorry, I can’t say it without laughing)
    And Happy Whatever! to the hordes of joyless, hate-filled, jealousy-fueled atheists.

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