Big in Japan: Woman Built A Kayak Out Of A 3D-Printed Image Of Her Vagina – IOTW Report

Big in Japan: Woman Built A Kayak Out Of A 3D-Printed Image Of Her Vagina

I know you want to make jokes but people, please keep it below the belt line.  Get the story here

I don’t know if I’d be bragging about my lady business being big enough for people to sail in it.

53 Comments on Big in Japan: Woman Built A Kayak Out Of A 3D-Printed Image Of Her Vagina

  1. you people are cruel:) LOL.. I guess more research need’s to be done on the affects of radiation fall-out. I guess the one’s that survived WW 2 passed on the effects to all future generations- seems like the damage would be gone by now, but I guess it keeps on go’n on……

  2. Seems like I’ve read that there isn’t a whole lot of sex going on in Japan. A birth rate so low they are shrinking in population, a large number of men and women that in their middle ages and haven’t had sex ever. She might be desperate for some attention.

  3. Vulva! These whacko feminists don’t even know basic female anatomy.
    The vagina is the internal portion of the female anatomy between the vulva (external genitalia) and the cervix/uterus.
    I’ve done some probing research on this matter.

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