Big Mike admits her vegetable garden was pure… fertilizer – IOTW Report

Big Mike admits her vegetable garden was pure… fertilizer


American Thinker: In the midst of a flap about Washington Post pop fashion writer Robin Givhan getting kicked out of a Black Entertainment Television conference for violating confidentiality, we learn something new about the Real Michelle Obama from Givhan’s reporting…

“The garden was a subversive act,” she said. “You can’t go in with guns blazing until people trust you.”

The passage continues in the Givhan report in the Washington Post here:

And there could be no reprimanding.  No finger-wagging.  Because she knew that her finger-wagging, a black woman’s finger-wagging, would be both amplified and resented.

So she gave herself a bit of advice: Put down your finger and pick up the garden hoe.  “What’s more innocent than a garden?” Mrs. Obama said.

All to conceal her real agenda by enticing people to trust her?  Because anyone would be racist not to?  MORE HERE


27 Comments on Big Mike admits her vegetable garden was pure… fertilizer

  1., they had the story, also. Here are my favorite parts:

    “BET invited Givhan to attend the “Leading Women Defined” conference in Bal Harbour, Fla., to moderate one of the panels, but organizers soon demanded she leave and canceled her panel after they took issue with a story she published Wednesday following Obama’s fireside chat-style event. They claimed the event took place in a “sacred space” and Obama’s remarks should not have been published, Page Six reported.“


    “The piece described Obama’s remarks about her experience in 2008 before her husband, Barack Obama, was elected president.

    “I couldn’t count on my husband’s campaign to protect me; I had to protect myself,” she said. “They were using me like I was a candidate and supporting me like I was a spouse.””


    Is that a confession that they weren’t married?

  2. Well, every garden needs a hoe. No news flash there.

    The part that sang to me was BET, on the record, saying they kicked Givhan out of their “sacred space” – a race based sacred space for violating the “Black Girl Code”.

    I am imaging the outrage over Laura Bush kicking reporters out of an event because they had Official White People Business to talk about off the record and they are violating the Cracker Code.

    These about the most racist motherfuckers in the world.

  3. Geez, I think I’ve lost count of the number of movies or tv shows that had that same ole plot. One character persuades another character to pretend to be their spouse in order to fool their clients. As usual it didn’t really work. Few were fooled.

    And which ever way they swung. The country suffered through 8 years of, ah hem, fertilizer : bovine, male type, no wait, steer type.

  4. “Put down your finger and pick up the garden hoe.” Once I stuck out my thumb and picked up a city ho, but that’s a different story.

    Michelle’s gardening scam was just training for the America progressives want. By the time that the Obamas and then Hillary and her progressive successors were done, Americans would need a shovel and hoe to feed themselves. Backwards Into The Future!

  5. I don’t think “subversive” is the right word. Allow me to whitesplain.

    Picking up a hoe was an act of subterfuge because it distracted the public from her hammer and sickle.

  6. It was full of taco bell wrappers… 😳

    Here’s hoping Trump starts TODAY, on rebuilding the rifle range that Teddy Roosevelt put in when HE was President! Take that, Tide-pod numbnuts! 😆

  7. The inauguration of another “Blood and Soil” movement.

    Put “The Most Elegant First Lady – EVAH!” on display growing vegetables and the slaves will dig in, returning us to an agrarian economy and freeing the rest of the world to socialize and centralize.

    Nothing the Obolas did was honest or straightforward. Their lives are lies. Their words are lies. He (Obola) was a shitty golfer and worse basketball player. She (Moose) was a hateful, spiteful, annoying, wig-hat, nothing festooned in boob-belts and clown-shoes.

    Why can’t they just retire to the fag bath-houses and leave us alone?

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I wish someone would take a D9 to that garden, Then maybe put in a memorial for the dead hero’s under Bo and Hills watch.
    How the heck do such insufferable people get elected to high Office?

  9. The Obamas sure do like playing “I’ve got a secret” lately: Barky’s super secret speech at MIT, his mystery trip to NZ, this super secret sacred BET conclave, and now Mooch’s Secret Garden. No doubt they’ve got some other special secret stuff that they’ll leak soon. It’s no secret that I wish they’d both disappear to a secret location, never to be heard from again.

  10. Too bad for Shelly and Barry that many of us still have that independent spirit and will do what we want and not what we’re told.
    Funny, Shelly complained about white women doing what we wanted instead of what she told us and Hillary has been complaining about women doing what we want instead of what she tells us.
    If anyone doesn’t see that they are communists they are willingly blind.

  11. And then this militant couple tried to make the Garden “forever” with National Park Service regulation.
    May Mitch’s cucumbers rot and may Barry’s Arugula drop.


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