Michelle Obama Expresses Shock that Controversial School Lunch Program Was Unpopular: ‘It Became a Partisan Issue’
No, it was a ‘nobody wanted to eat that crap’ issue. Go shave your balls.
Michelle Obama Expresses Shock that Controversial School Lunch Program Was Unpopular: ‘It Became a Partisan Issue’
No, it was a ‘nobody wanted to eat that crap’ issue. Go shave your balls.
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Arugula vomit.
Everything about BARRY and BIG MIKE sucked, still sucks and will forever suck.
It sucked. With a mighty suction.
Shocked, gimme a break – the Sasquatch was mocked relentlessly for the school lunch program, AND the fake garden at the White Hut where they were ‘harvesting’ vegetables a week after they were planted.
Duh. I agree that many children eat crap food, but look at how many adults who are overweight fail in trying to drastically change their diet overnight. It is difficult to go from tater tots to broccoli instantly.
Switching to eating better on a more or less permanent basis is a gradual process – it is a lifestyle change that takes time. My generation was raised on a “clean your plate” lifestyle, and it took me a long time to get used to quitting when I was full, but there was still food on the plate. But big government types like the Obamas believe they can achieve their goals by government fiat instead of convincing Americans to embrace better nutrition.
Big Mike probably got her guidance from my 300 pound nutritionist
Hell… Even a kid knows that sprinkling powdered sugar on a turd doesen´t make it a brownie!
It’s still a brownie but just a powdered sugar covered brownie. That’s the wrong kind of brownie. But kids will eat boogers and not like broccoli.
There’s little food I won’t eat.
My childhood was the opposite.
She’s just trying to be funny.
She’s shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
And she lived in the Casablanca
I don’t think there’s any coincidence here.
My oldest is 20 years old… He got 1 – 2 years of traditional school lunches… Kindergarten & 1st grade… Then Big Mike’s plan hit.
He still remembers this, 15+ years later. Result: He’s probably more conservative than me! I wonder why…
Big Mike, a nanny state central planning operator thinks gruel is a complete meal. What does she know or care about nutritious food for American children in public (warehouse) schools.
There is no practical, ethical way the bureaucratic federal government can make sure little Johnny in Topeka, Kansas gets a decent breakfast and lunch at school. The tentacles of government overreach get severed once the grifters – federal, state and local get their cut.
President Trump got it right terminating the DOE. It will be easier to identify state “educators” misappropriating taxpayer funds. If moldy bread and rotten fruit shows up at school meal time, taxpayers in their local school districts can know exactly who’s responsible. The trail of corruption begins and ends at the state/local level.
They shoulda called it “A taste of Communism”.
The Moose is disingenuous to the core.
A true son of the Father of All Lies.