Big Mistake: Man Gets Same Tattoo As His Rescue Dog Not Knowing Its Meaning – IOTW Report

Big Mistake: Man Gets Same Tattoo As His Rescue Dog Not Knowing Its Meaning

KFI: A man who was so upset that his rescue dog’s previous owners put a tattoo on their pet decided to get himself the same design as a show of solidarity with his furry best friend. more here

16 Comments on Big Mistake: Man Gets Same Tattoo As His Rescue Dog Not Knowing Its Meaning

  1. We got our two kittens through Friends of Felines. It was standard procedure for the vet they worked with to clip the tip off one of their ears to signify they’d been spayed and neutered. Do I wish they hadn’t done that? Yes, but most of the cats they try to help are feral and get released back into the wild.

    P.S. Both MY ears are still intact. 🙂

  2. It’s like adopting a feral cat and having the tip of one of your ears removed as a show of solidarity, not realizing it’s how they mark trap-spay/neuter-release stray cats. Moron.

  3. Yeah.
    Cut the dog’s balls off AND tattoo him?
    He’s a ball-less dog, for pity’s sake.

    Here, doggy, we’re gonna double-shame ya!

    Then what? Call him Michael Moore so he goes and drowns himself?
    Or Bruce? Or Bradley?
    Poor fukkin dog.

    izlamo delenda est …


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