Big Pharma is Giving Away Americans’ Medical Info to Law Enforcement with No Warrant, Lawmakers Say – IOTW Report

Big Pharma is Giving Away Americans’ Medical Info to Law Enforcement with No Warrant, Lawmakers Say

AZ Sun Times:

Big pharmacies are distributing Americans’ private medical information to law enforcement agencies without a warrant, lawmakers said in a Tuesday letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Law enforcement agencies discreetly get a hold of thousands of Americans’ prescription records per year with no warrant, and often with no legal review, according to Democratic Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, Democratic Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal and Democratic California Rep. Sara Jacobs. The lawmakers are pushing HHS to increase its regulations to protect Americans’ data and require a warrant to obtain it.

“Through briefings with the major pharmacies, we learned that each year law enforcement agencies secretly obtain the prescription records of thousands of Americans without a warrant,” the lawmakers wrote. “In many cases, pharmacies are handing over sensitive medical records without review by a legal professional. Although pharmacies are legally permitted to tell their customers about government demands for their data, most don’t. As a result, many Americans’ prescription records have few meaningful privacy protections, and those protections vary widely depending on which pharmacy they use.” more here

16 Comments on Big Pharma is Giving Away Americans’ Medical Info to Law Enforcement with No Warrant, Lawmakers Say

  1. …went past a Walgreens with a bright electric sign out front,touting “COVID Vaccines available for ages 3+”.

    They are promoting and collaborating in the mutilation, sterilization, and murder of children with no actual benefit to the children themselves, by their own accounting.

    I don’t know why you think they’d not sell their customers out in other ways, given that they don’t have any problem with making a profit by poisoning their progeny on behalf of the same government they sell your secrets to.

    With the Covid crises in the rearview mirror, they’re barely hanging onto the big Federal Tit and are looking for new revenue sources!

    Aaaaaaaaannnd the National Socialist Party is only too happy to find a reason to loot the Treasury even more!

  3. thesheriffisnear THURSDAY, 14 DECEMBER 2023, 9:08 AT 9:08 AM
    “why don’t you mfkng badge-nwords show up at colonoscopies?”

    …they have 87,000 new IRS agents that the Republicans funded for them that will be giving ALL of us colonoscopies here around April 15th or so…

  4. Well , My Hubby and I are babyboomers and are accustomed to watching Jeopardy and Wheel of fortune which involves loads of commercials for assorted drugs (one is for “managing Diabetes” and features a singing & dancing fat woman) . Others have advertised becoming “Undetectable” & is for “treatment of HIV” . Missing the days when there were no drug ads at all .


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