BIG PICTURE: DOJ Covering FISA Abuse… – IOTW Report


CTH: Representative Matt Gaetz sent out a tweet today that is absolutely accurate.  You can call it a soft-coup, or you can call it politicization of the DOJ and FBI, but the end result is the same – the intentional effort to manipulate, influence, and ultimately subvert an election for the presidency of the United States…. and that’s what the DOJ is trying to hide.

If you peel the skin off the onion, and get down to the substantive core issue that represents the biggest risk to the entire collective group who worked to subvert the 2016 presidential election, you get to the FISA-702(16)(17) and Title-1 surveillance abuse that was carried out by the Obama Intelligence Community, DOJ-NSD and the FBI.  read more

9 Comments on BIG PICTURE: DOJ Covering FISA Abuse…

  1. I read CTH every night before I go to bed in the continued hope that The White Hats plans are proceeding as planned and that the Keebler Elf is smarter and sneakier than what we have seen so far.

    Some days, I just don’t know.

  2. It appears like Sessions deputy has him in a headlock and is still pulling all the strings. Mueller has free reign to conduct himself with little regard for consequences. It’s getting difficult to justify continued patience awaiting the long overdue counter strike.
    The amount of harm done to our institutions is immeasurable.

  3. It’s hard to believe that Sessions is completely oblivious to the calls for his ouster, especially after his longtime friend called for it. He is either very clever and about to spring the trap or he is very dumb. I admit I have no idea which at this point.

  4. I just have ONE NAGGING QUESTION about Mueller.

    At the very first sign of blatant democrat corruption and lawlessness, why didn’t he just shut the whole thing down? It’s stupid to cut off your nose to spite your face.

  5. FISA abuse?
    Ya gotta be shittin me!
    The whole FISA construct is a circumvention of the Constitution.
    Secret warrants issued by secret courts through secret judges to secret police for secret searches with no appeal?

    Can anyone spell “G*E*S*T*A*P*O? Well, how bout K*G*B? Or S*A*V*A*K? Or N*K*V*D? Or C*H*E*K*A? Or T*H*I*R*D D*I*R*E*C*T*O*R*A*T*E?

    Yeah, I know – most of Congress says “Huh?” oblivious to anything outside of their cozy, corrupt, well-appointed world.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Mueller is doing what he’s doing because he knows he’ll be caught up in the sweep when the hammer drops. He’s been as crooked and complicit as the rest of the scum who’ve been entrenched in the upper echelons of government.

  7. Don’s corrupt AG must go! He has been protecting the Clinton/FISA swamp from “The Get Go”. He has the morals of a Bush!
    When Gov Brown is in jail I will apologize fr saying Jeff is as crooked as GWB. Hell will be frozen at the time!

  8. Don’t care if the next guy in line is covering it, talking about it, bloviating about it, whining about it, etc. Wake me when they’ve got names linked to prison sentences. Long ones. Otherwise, it’s just another ho-hum didden dunuffin, ain’t gonna dunuffin event. Next.


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