Big Tech Clowns Wipe Out $51.2 BILLION In Combined Market Value Since Banning Free Speech of President Trump – IOTW Report

Big Tech Clowns Wipe Out $51.2 BILLION In Combined Market Value Since Banning Free Speech of President Trump


WOW! So far, over the last two trading periods, Facebook and Twitter have collectively wiped out $51.2 Billion in combined market value since the banning of the President of the United States from their platforms. Meanwhile, the removal of Trump supporters from their platforms continues with no end in sight. This time, however, the big tech bullies who have been working for years to demote and remove conservative content from their platforms while simultaneously pretending to be unbiased social media platforms may have really stepped in it. read more

27 Comments on Big Tech Clowns Wipe Out $51.2 BILLION In Combined Market Value Since Banning Free Speech of President Trump

  1. The “Clowns” have a fiduciary obligation to stock holders which they just totally blew off in the name of Communism. That’s not how America works. Recall them. Fire them. Hang them.

  2. Once Communists lie, they have to keep lying until their lie becomes a monumental truth.

    That’s where we are – the narrative now is going justify deadly violence by the Communists in D.C., the States, the media and the corporations.

  3. Brad – Bingo! They may have some ‘splainin’ to do to the SEC over this and, I hope, some big fines (jail time is asking too much, I know) to pay. I’m sure there will be a class suit if the bleeding continues. I’d love to see if there was any insider trading leading up to the sell off.

  4. Who’s got the class action lawsuit started?
    Let’s take all their money away.
    Can you see the jury? How many people have gotten a fake fact-check notice from their “independent fact-checkers “?

  5. And the article at GP doesn’t mention the Project Veritas video (not just audio!) of that goon, Jack, talking about going after Trump and others beyond January 20th. Twitter’s CEO is on record stating he his anti-1st A. Dirty communist. Where’s The Peoples’ justice? This guy lied like a dog to Congress.

  6. Does anyone know if a fb/Instagram account is closed whether your online use continues to be mined? If so, what would be the easiest way to end it?

    The latest user agreement is alarming.

  7. There’s at least one way to look at this: Twitter, FB et al’s CEOs are SO compltely insulated from the real news themselves that they totally believe the junk from cable and network media. Do you think they really believed that there just weren’t that many of us? Hard to imagine, but not out of the realm of reality.

  8. Why should people who have more money than they could spend in a thousand lifetimes care what happens to their shareholders’ investments?

    Especially when their political goals are achieved.

  9. There is a reason that Iran’s Ayatollah still has his account on twitter.

    Because the Ayatollah and the democrats want the same thing.
    “Death to America”.

  10. The SEC is a child of the socialism running rampant through the world back in the 30s. It’s job is to protect the Banks. If the shareholders are taking it up the ass, that’s just too bad – they invested in socialism’s premier prostitutes and will discover their incontinence.
    Trying to make money off Traitors is always a risky business.

    And the $51 Billion didn’t just “disappear” it landed in someone’s pocket.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Let the layoofs begin…whoops, I mean layoffs…no, I think I layoofs is perfect.

    And I would say “learn to code” but in this case, maybe “learn to code Constitutionally or else bag groceries” is more appropriate.

  12. HA! My Republican (hard core) nephew works at Facebook. He was bragging how he makes $150,000 a year and his life is set (he’s in his early 30’s). Guess he’ll have to go back and live with Dad and the dog.

  13. @gin blossom
    At first, I was gonna disagree ^^ because plumbing takes skills that Dorsey obviously doesn’t have.
    But upon reflection, he has spent his time mired in shit, so maybe he CAN be a plumbers helper. The one who cleans out the lines.

  14. mmm- I have no idea. But if you have the app on your phone, delete it.
    If you need to log in to the playstore or apple store to look at apps, change your password, too. I don’t know if that will help, but you should be changing your passwords every 4 months anyway. lol

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