Big Tech Corporations Continue Hiring Foreign H-1B Visa Workers After Mass Layoffs of Americans – IOTW Report

 Big Tech Corporations Continue Hiring Foreign H-1B Visa Workers After Mass Layoffs of Americans


The nation’s biggest tech conglomerates continued hiring foreign workers through the H-1B visa program, even as they carried out mass layoffs of American employees, investigative reporter Lee Fang details.

Since the start of the year, hundreds of thousands of Americans in tech jobs have been laid off, with about 12,000 cut at Google, 10,000 out at Microsoft, close to 20,000 laid off at Amazon, and 10,000 cut from Meta Platforms which owns Facebook and Instagram.

Just weeks after announcing such layoffs, though, the same tech corporations continued hiring foreign workers on the H-1B visa program — known as the “outsourcing visa” to many Americans. more

5 Comments on  Big Tech Corporations Continue Hiring Foreign H-1B Visa Workers After Mass Layoffs of Americans

  1. One clear benefit to hiring foreign workers; they were reared in homes that supported academics, hard work, and an expectation of effort, and were educated in schools that valued learning and meritocracy-based rewards, and not identity politics, DEI, victimhood, or race-based privileges.

  2. Back in the day, I called the INS in San Antonio to ask why AMD was allowed to hire H1-B workers when the job market was tight in Austin. Basically, I was told that INS was about wetback lawn mower / leaf blower types, not the Chinganese diaspora.

  3. My experience as a software engineer is that the H1B people follow directions as written. They don’t think for themselves and don’t question whether the design specs make sense or whether the software will work.

    They’re cheap. But you get what you pay for.

    I always challenged the designs and perhaps proposed modifications.

    H1B people nod and say yes sir.

  4. @PHenry, Same here.
    Some H1B people had to do hardware maintenance and could not get the system to power down with error codes, so they pulled the plug. Seems they turned off journaling to save disk space and realized the error code meant 3 failed disk drives in the RAID. Got what they paid for!


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