Big Tech cracks down on Robert Malone, mRNA vaccine pioneer who warns about their risks – IOTW Report

Big Tech cracks down on Robert Malone, mRNA vaccine pioneer who warns about their risks

Just The News:

A scientist who credits himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccines, and has warned that they carry risks downplayed in the COVID-19 pandemic, said this week that LinkedIn “shut down” his personal account without explanation.

“The historic record of what I have done, stated, figured out (and when) etc. over time is a key part of establishing my credibility and track record as a professional,” Robert Malone tweeted Wednesday. “And that has been erased completely and arbitrarily without warning or explanation.”

He pays for the premium version of LinkedIn for the biotech and government consulting business he runs with his wife Jill, Malone said. That page remains live, but its last post, which highlighted his mRNA vaccine patents, is three weeks old. more here

9 Comments on Big Tech cracks down on Robert Malone, mRNA vaccine pioneer who warns about their risks

  1. We shouldn’t listen to an expert in the field: tech giants are our saviours.

    Whether you like them or not, I can see the purpose of Facebook and Twitter. But LinkedIn? That seems about as useful as posting a note on the bulletin board at the grocery store. “Wanted: job as brain surgeon,” with little tabs with the phone number on it.

    I think businesses should have well-maintained websites. But being on LinkedIn sounds like the modern equivalent of collecting Beanie Babies — you need to do it because the company that runs it tells you that you need to do it, although you are not likely going to get much benefit from it.

  2. An “expert” is granted his status solely by his unwavering following of the orthodoxy. Credentials and accomplishments can and will be negated by one careless instance of wrongthink.

  3. Seems to me as though these tech companies have unilaterally usurped responsibility for the accuracy of the medical information that is disseminated on their channel. If Ma Bell had done this when the telephone became a means for individuals to communicate in real time had pulled this stunt they would have been yanked before congress so fast their heads would still be spinning, and the outcome would have been that they now own liability for any damage caused by their censorship.


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