Big Tech Hides MAGA Crowd Protesting Biden in Texas – IOTW Report

Big Tech Hides MAGA Crowd Protesting Biden in Texas


Joe Biden and his handler wife Jill traveled to Texas more than a week after the deep freeze caused power outages across the state.

Biden waited until the temperatures warmed up into the 70s before heading to Texas because he is feeble.

As was reported earlier by Cristina Laila — Trump supporters lined up to greet Joe Biden as he arrived at the food bank in Houston on Friday.

Not a single Biden supporter was in sight… but he got 81 million votes? more

9 Comments on Big Tech Hides MAGA Crowd Protesting Biden in Texas

  1. I wasn’t aware Slow Joe came down here. I have spent the last few days on my knees thanking God for sending AOC here last week. Even though we only had a week of freezing temps and snow and ice, (compared to the months of northern winters,) all we are capable of doing about it is wait for the Democrats to come save us.

  2. We blame “Big Tech” but if anyone remembers the South African fiasco of a few decades ago, there was a disparity of support between Desmond Tutu and Chief Buthelezi (of the Zulu) and the media darling was, of course, Tutu. And Tutu’s chosen stooge was Nelson Mandela and his handler wife, Winnie, all acting under the guiding hand of Joe Slovo.
    Buthelezi was shunted aside (they didn’t murder him, however, so they must have come to an accommodation).

    Same-old, same-old – propaganda and terror – the terror part is coming as soon as we’re disarmed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Big tech are the Gestapo, the Stazi, the Cheka, and the KGB all rolled into one, with the additional responsibility of acting as a Joseph Goebells clone to indoctrinate the masses with falsehoods so inauthentic that it takes their secret police role to enforce it.

  4. Big tech and the left are The Borg.

    Too bad for twatter and the rest of them we can record and store video ourselves.
    Not trusting big tech I put things they would not like or they could mess with on thumb drives or my passport.


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