BigBrowser Deletes Oliver Stone Documentary “Ukraine on Fire” – IOTW Report

BigBrowser Deletes Oliver Stone Documentary “Ukraine on Fire”

CTH: In a remarkable display of propaganda and Big Tech effort to erase history, thereby shaping public opinion, YouTube, which is owned by Google Inc, has deleted the award-winning Oliver Stone documentary “Ukraine on Fire.”  Apparently, the truth about the history of Ukraine is against the interests of the current global order who are seeking to exploit the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

In response to the effort by Big Tech, NATO, the collective western governments and World Economic Forum, the producer, director and copyright owner Igor Lopatonok has released the copyright and made the documentary available for open download [Vimeo LINK].  It is also now available for viewing on this {Direct Rumble Link} and shared below.

It is in the interest of NATO and the current Biden Administration, that people do not fully understand the Nazi history of Ukraine.  The Oliver Stone documentary is well sourced and cited, and apparently a concern for the collective west. more

SNIP: WARNING. Graphic pictures and some blood.

9 Comments on BigBrowser Deletes Oliver Stone Documentary “Ukraine on Fire”

  1. Zelensky is neither Bamma/Biden/Democrats Boy Nor Putin’s and My feeling is that Putin figured that the Demo’s would therefore not defend him very hard.

    What the hell do i know.
    I am sad to see the civilians suffer but it is their governments that have had them suffering for a Century. (and like Slavery, I didn’t do It!)

  2. After watching this, I can see why Big Tech wants to keep it hidden. The story we’ve been fed by our media over the last few weeks is pure propaganda on many levels. It has been obvious to me (and many others I;m sure) that the issues involved in this Russia / Ukraine situation are far more complex and long standing than we’ve been led to believe.

    One thing I noticed was Victoria Nuland (who first served as a conniving bureaucrat under Clinton, then Bush the younger and Obama, and recently admitted that the US had bioweapons labs in Ukraine) has been in the middle of this for many years along with the usual warmongers like McCain, Lindsay Graham, et. al. And it was no surprise that George Soros has his filthy hands in it as well.

    The parts on the color revolutions pulled back the curtain on the coup here in the US in the 2020 election and the false flag operation of January 6th. Vladimir Putin isn’t the most evil person involved here – our own government is the most corrupt, evil entity anywhere that is purposely destroying America as it was founded and has long been using Ukraine as a money laundering operation for government employed scum including Biden, Kerry, Romney, Pelosi and likely many others. I think our own government is the most at fault for what is happening in Ukraine right now.

  3. Deleting Oliver Stone? This just keeps getting better. When will the left recognize that it isn’t just conservatives that are in the crosshairs? If you do not dutifully check all of the boxes, you will be deleted. Worse, those boxes change on a daily, if not hourly basis.

    Popcorn, please. Maybe easy on the butter, I am trying to lose a little weight.

  4. Watched this yesterday. Good film. The (intended) similarities with the US unrest is stunning but since this is ‘Russian propaganda’ (according to YT) it must be memory holed. Nothing will change and business as usual will continue.


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