Bikers for Trump to defend Trump supporters from Antifa at Phoenix rally – IOTW Report

Bikers for Trump to defend Trump supporters from Antifa at Phoenix rally

CFL: On Tuesday, the Gateway Pundit reported that Bikers for Trump is set to help provide security in order to protect Trump supporters from violent Antifa terrorists at an upcoming rally in Phoenix, Arizona.

The announcement was made on Facebook.  The page also posted a video:

One person asked:  “I’m just curious,, what do you do if a Trump supporter is attacked? Just standing there doesn’t seem to work on those out to hurt others. Also if rioting starts then what? I’ve seen where bikers for Trump has been but still people were injured.”

In response, one person suggested: “Wear a CNN shirt, then clean the bike with your new ANTIFA rag.

Another person added: “Well.. There are no guarantees in life.. so, we will just do the best we can. Being 6’4″ and 300lbs helps.


9 Comments on Bikers for Trump to defend Trump supporters from Antifa at Phoenix rally

  1. Spot on, grinder. A bunch of aging, flabby, yuppie t-shirt collectors with look-at-me pipes will scare no one. Of course even they can probably handle a couple of mama’s-basement dwelling, broomstick-wielding doofae in a pinch. That very bunch of Angels that showed up at the Stones concert in Altamont, even at their advanced age, could probably even handle it.

  2. Yup, let a bike rat get ahold of one of these little twerps and start pulling his teeth out with a pair of side cutters from his back pocket and it will take the starch out of him quick. Ha

  3. first off, most Trump supporters don’t need any help defending themselves from the antifa fags.

    but the more counter antifa citizens on hand the better.

    imagine the people wearing the black clothes and masks wielding clubs and mace attacking citizens are portrayed as the good guys by our media, what fags.

  4. So according to NPR, Antifa is “far left” (correct), but pro-second amendment groups are “far-right”, and therefore somehow equally as bad. i
    I would ask NPR when was the last time the NRA burned buildings, broke windows, smashed police cars, or maced innocent people?

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