Bill and Hillary ‘Two Biggest Grifters to Ever Run for President’ – IOTW Report

Bill and Hillary ‘Two Biggest Grifters to Ever Run for President’

Breitbart: On Wednesday, Breitbart News Executive Chairman and SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon spoke with author Peter Schweizer about the release of their movie project based on Schweizer’s best-selling Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.

Actually, Bannon did most of the talking, in an epic rant he humorously described as “Going Off the Rails,” beginning with an invitation for the Clintons to sue him for speaking frankly about their corruption because he would “love to do discovery on you collection of scumbags.”

Bannon said the Clintons were “the biggest set of grifters” ever to run for the White House.

He also said the audience at Tuesday’s screening of the Clinton Cash movie was “25 percent Democrats,” and “their heads blew up.”

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4 Comments on Bill and Hillary ‘Two Biggest Grifters to Ever Run for President’

  1. “go on, take the money and run”

    the beast should have quit at 240 mil.

    will the greed which drove her corruption be the same greed to bring it to an end because she didn’t know when to quit?

  2. Thanks to obama, DOJ and the FBI, hillary bought the best justice money could buy. Graft and bribery aren’t cheap, but when you have a $Billion dollars of ill gotten gains, it’s the going price to pay.

  3. ‘Heads explode’. Reminds me of MARS ATTACKS. Maybe if we play Slim Whitman, the liberal heads will explode, en masse. Aaahhh, fantasy is super.

  4. Hillary realized that she and Bubba had 8 years of The Chicago States of America in which to make a pile of cash, so she be came an “alderman” in every sense of the word. When 0bama made her Secretary of State, everyone thought they were playing nice and burying the axe, but it was just a Chicago-style money deal. Bring in piles of dirty cash, while “mayor” of the Chicago States of America, Barry Soetero, protects your ass from the Chicago Bureau of Investigation, and you just kick back a little to his friends and into his Swiss Bank accounts.

    I’ll be that if you search Hillary’s e-mails, you will find Amazon confirmations that, “Your 24″ Zero Halliburton suitcase will deliver on Friday.” After all, a pile of Benjamins can’t ride to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue inside just ANY old suitcase.

    Damn. Them. All.

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