Bill and Hillary’s ‘One-Way Open Marriage’ – IOTW Report

Bill and Hillary’s ‘One-Way Open Marriage’

Daily Caller: A new book reveals some saucy secrets about Bill and Hillary Clinton’s marriage.

The book, titled, “Microtrends Squared: The New Small Forces Driving Today’s Big Disruptions” was written by Mark Penn, a longtime pollster and chief strategist of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign.

According to the Daily Mail, Penn writes, “It’s not hard to conclude that Bill and Hillary Clinton didn’t have at least a one-way open marriage.”

“Perhaps it was not by choice, but the stories accumulated over the years until the fact of it became apparent.”

Penn’s claims may confirm what many Americans have long suspected about the Clintons’ marriage.  MORE

12 Comments on Bill and Hillary’s ‘One-Way Open Marriage’

  1. Couldn’t happen to a more worthy couple.

    No Principles
    No Morals
    No Fealty to Law (God’s or Man’s)
    No Adherence to Vows
    No Consciences
    No Regrets

    They certainly deserved each other – but we don’t deserve them – at least those of us who are still Americans.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Well I have seen just about enough of the disrespect that these commenters have shown to the STD oozing Clinton family. For pete’s Sake. Have you no respect for a two term president and his two time loser First Lady?

    Never mind the body count. The incessant tongue lashings. The enormous mao style pantsuits.
    Forget all that.

    Show some deference to your betters

  3. Years ago I said you really couldn’t blame ol’ Bill when he was married to Hill who even back then looked and acted like a cold fish and shrew. Hell she probably told him to go find other women and stay the hell out of her bed, something that was probably in the prenup.
    Not in anyway excusing the scumbag that he is, just saying I don’t think many men would want to sleep with someone like her.

  4. “written by mark penn, a longtime pollster and chief strategist of hillary clinton’s 2008 campaign.”

    you mean the loser who helped crooked hillary lose to the “boy who would be getting them all coffee” in 2008 ?

    chief strategist ?
    I don’t think they know what that term means.


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