Bill and Melinda Gates Say Cellphones Empower Women, Call Green New Deal Unrealistic, And Insult Cows – IOTW Report

Bill and Melinda Gates Say Cellphones Empower Women, Call Green New Deal Unrealistic, And Insult Cows

Breitbart: Billionaires Bill and Melinda Gates issued their annual letter on Tuesday, revealing global philanthropic accomplishments in the past year and outlining what they hoped to accomplish this year, including helping people understand “what it will take to stop climate change.”

Without calling out the Green New Deal resolution by name, Bill Gates said it was “not realistic” to think the entire economy and infrastructure could be transformed in a few years.

After naming five “grand challenges in climate change” — buildings, manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and electricity generation — he slammed the core ideas behind Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) signature Green New Deal.

“It’s not realistic to think that people will simply stop using fertilizer, running cargo ships, building offices, or flying airplanes,” Bill Gates wrote in the letter. “Nor is it fair to ask developing countries to curtail their growth for the sake of everyone else.”

“For example, for many people in low- and middle-income countries, cattle are an essential source of income and nutrients,” he wrote, adding that the best approach would be to “invest in innovation” so that things could continue “without destroying the climate.”

“We need breakthrough inventions in each of the grand challenges,” Bill Gates wrote. He did also say cows were a problem when it came to climate change.

“Agriculture accounts for 24 percent of greenhouse gases. That includes cattle, which give off methane when they belch and pass gas,” he wrote. “(A personal surprise for me: I never thought I’d be writing seriously about bovine flatulence.)”

In his remarks, Bill Gates blamed the media for not talking about climate change, including cows, enough.  more here

14 Comments on Bill and Melinda Gates Say Cellphones Empower Women, Call Green New Deal Unrealistic, And Insult Cows

  1. His poor cousin from the other side of the tracks was on CNBC this morning wanting the federal government to just punish him with taxes. He is a Patriotic Millionaire wanting to be told where to put his money. Morris Pearl.

  2. Speaking of climate change:

    Whatever happened to the deforesting of the Amazon destroying the Earth’s oxygen supply?

    Was something done to stop it -the deforestation- I am not aware of?

  3. I remember as a young man reading about the early settlers crossing the great plains. They described vast herds of bison, that stretched from horizon to horizon, as far as the eye could see. Someone please explain how bison farts are less damaging than bovine farts.


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