BILL CLINTON: Americans angry because they’re left out by Obama – IOTW Report

BILL CLINTON: Americans angry because they’re left out by Obama

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AmericanMirror: Bill Clinton has diagnosed the cause of Americans’ anger: President Obama.

During an appearance in Omaha, Nebraska, Clinton said many are upset because they can’t see themselves in the picture the current president has painted of America.

“This is such a crazy election,” Clinton said. “Why are there so many angry people? Because that beautiful picture he painted of America’s future (during the State of the Union address), there’s still to many Americans who look at that picture and they can’t find themselves or their children there to save their lives.

“That’s what happened.”  more

See Also:

VIDEO: Bill Clinton hoarse, hand quivers during speech

21 Comments on BILL CLINTON: Americans angry because they’re left out by Obama

  1. Note to the syphilitic dried up old pedophile: You and the monster you are ‘married’ to have bleak futures.

    A friend of mine recently asked me what my top five wishes were.

    One of my wishes: to live to see the day that these to pieces of satanic shit die painful deaths.

  2. Crazy. All HRC said when she was campaigning for the black vote tow weeks ago was how great Obama’s policies are and ain’t he a great bro, y’all.
    Bubba didn’t read the talking points.

  3. I’ve always said that Bubba’s ego couldn’t abide with her thighness sitting in the oval orifice as C in C–so now he insults obongo and val jar to get them off their asses and let mamma jamma lynch indict cankles.
    It’s all good.

  4. Yes, Obama is one reason I’m pissed. But the main reason I am angry is the R leadership giving Obama everything he wants. We gave them their majority in congress to stop Obama and they betrayed us.

  5. I bet Hilary had his ass poisoned and the antidote is slowly being withdrawn.
    Dead men tell no tales
    He will have a ‘heart attack’ if she’s indicted and will withdraw to ‘take care of Bill’ (Think Cathy Bates in Misery).
    If she loses to either Sanders or the GOP candidate: He will have a ‘heart attack’ if she’ll have to ‘take care of Bill’ (Think Cathy Bates in Misery again).
    If she wins the Presidency He will have a ‘heart attack’ before She’s inaugurated
    It will be a nice funeral.
    Dead men schtupp no interns.

  6. We aren’t angry because we can’t see ourselves painted into the picture of Obama’s America, we’re angry because most of us have been painted OUT of it.

  7. I am muchos angrioso.
    There are several why’s.
    That Lois Lerner is retiring with a full pension and not in jail
    That Iran deal
    The war on coal
    The stupid assholes at the EPA
    Those retarded fartknockers at the BLM
    That Hilary is not Big Rhonda’s third bitch in some correctional facility
    That whoever gave the order to basically cancel our space program is not pressed into service in Antarctica
    That our Military has not redacted the top executive and his Iranian handler
    That the apocalypse is going to happen when I’m too old to have any fun

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