Bill Clinton Blames Hillary Clinton’s Loss On James Comey – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Blames Hillary Clinton’s Loss On James Comey

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DailyCaller: “James Comey cost her the election,” the former president said when he ran into the editor of the Bedford-Pound Ridge Record Review in Katonah, New York recently. “We were seven percentage points up” in national polls at the time.

Comey sent a letter to lawmakers two weeks before the election to tell them that his agency was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.

When asked if he thought Donald Trump was “smart,” Clinton had a terse response.

 “He doesn’t know much,” Bill Clinton said. “One thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.”


25 Comments on Bill Clinton Blames Hillary Clinton’s Loss On James Comey

  1. I assume never taking responsibility for your own actions is a form of mental illness.
    HRC is the poster child for not taking responsibility for her actions.
    The first time she did this was in grade school when she failed to complete her homework so she blamed the family dog.

  2. Round and round she goes; where she stops nobody knows: The Democrat Magic Wheel of Excuses. The only item missing from the wheel is the real reason they lost: HILLARY.

  3. It never occurs to the buffoons that they both are thought of as piles of shit. Liars, murderers, hacks from Arkansas. He has trashed what little popularity he had left on this debacle. She never did have any popularity. She engendered hatred and spite with every word, every action. To hell with them both, Now prison.

  4. “We were seven percentage points up” in national polls at the time…”

    There’s your problem right there – you believed the sycophantic pollsters. Otter said it best: “…You fucked up. You trusted us!…”

  5. Clinton is scared shitless right now and trying to gin up support to act as a buffer when Trump’s AG starts to really investigate the Clinton Foundation. They’ll find “pay for play” linking Hillary when in her role as SecState and as Democrat nominee for president, they’ll find the Haiti rape as well as watered down AIDS drugs in Africa, free vacation trips written off as business or donations, the daughters wedding expensed, 7 million syphoned off to Bill for his personal use with no tax paid etc etc etc. It’s a cesspool of graft and fraud and it an honest investigation is carried out Bill and Hillary and half the staff are going to be in prison. Then maybe Bill can get a first hand understanding of what sexual assault is from a womans point of view.

  6. “Angry white men” I was at the Orlando thank you rally last Friday. The most striking thing was the demographics. White, black, brown, Asian, every ethnicity, religion was represented in abundance. Jamaican guy who gave 24k over time to the campaign to my right. Not even allowed to vote yet. Young black man from Apopka to my left. Vendors were doing a yuge business too!

  7. Off Topic;
    Hillary rejected again. After all the shenanigans of Soros and Clinton, so far the only “Faithless Electoral Voters”were in Washington State and they voted 3 for Collin Powell and one for some wagon burner. Ha!

  8. Yep. Blame the cop, not the criminal. After 8 disastrous years of a treasonous communist, America was afraid of 4 more years of the same. Or could it have been that she hates Americans as much as America hates her? Could it have been her history of deception, dishonesty, murder, infidelity, theft, and pathological lying?

  9. I either need new glasses or become less susceptible to, and in agreement with, sarcastic humor. I though it said James Cagney, and I started to read more with that thought in mind. .

  10. Bill is right that it was Comet’s fault. Comedy really pissed off a lot of people after his “no prosecutable offence” crap. That, coupled with Hillary’s finagling those delegates from Sanders, made even Democrats sick of the larcenists from Little Rock.

  11. I blame Hillary’s mother for Hillary’s loss. She was the one who instilled her misguided values. Had Hillary learned how to be civil as a young adult, maybe she could have achieved her dreams.

    Then again, when ifs and buts are candy and nuts, every day is Christmas.

  12. As long as the DemonRats continue to reject doing an accurate post mortem assessment of why they lost, pushing forward a poor & corrupt candidate, they will likely remain in the losers circle. And that will be good for America.

    In contrast – The GOPe was prevented from electing another poor candidate by the Trump supporters, and as a result landed in the winner’s circle. For now I remain hopeful that Trump will be a great president, not just a president who won election like no one before him.

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