Bill Clinton cheats at… well, everything – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton cheats at… well, everything


Criticism of President Donald Trump has gotten so out of hand that some have even gone after him for the way he plays golf.

Being an avid golfer, everyone from New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady to Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has played with the president. Some have claimed Trump cheats at the game. Golf champion John Daly says different.

Daly played with the president on Monday in Bedminster, New Jersey, and he told TMZ Sports the following day that he doesn’t believe allegations that Trump is a cheater.

“It’s funny how these people say, ‘Does he cheat?’ Well, when he goes out and plays, if he hits a bad shot, he might hit a Mulligan, but he doesn’t count it when we’re playing the match,” Daly said.

Daly says he has met a president who cheats at gold before, but it’s not Trump. The golfer, who won The Open Championship and the PGA Championship, said Bill Clinton was pretty underhanded when he played with him.

“It’s just amazing that people call him a cheat in golf,” Daly said of Trump. “You wanna call a cheat in golf? I’ll tell ya, Bill Clinton, he took a Mulligan on putts, chips, when I played with him. I don’t think Bill Clinton could’ve broken 100. At least the president, Mr. Trump, he can shoot 80. 78 to 84, probably.” read more

13 Comments on Bill Clinton cheats at… well, everything

  1. There are those people who’s infinite enjoyment and goal in life is to get away with shit that should have had them drawn & quartered, at best, or socially shamed & publicly humiliated at the least.
    But alas, Satan takes care of her own…
    No doubt the Clinton’s are just such specimens.

  2. It doesn’t matter if you think golf is a sport or a game. I think it’s fun. Where else can you ride around on carts in a manicured, park like setting, trying to knock the hell out of a ball, and every hour or so a cute girl driving a beverage cart shows up with drinks on ice. If that doesn’t sound like fun to you I don’t know what to tell you.

  3. Clinton’s greatest ‘cheat’ was passing military secrets to the chi comms.

    AND, if anyone thinks hillary clinton put her state department server in her bathroom for convenience instead of for allowing the chi comms to hack it (you know she was paid) I have a used blue dress I want to sell you.


  4. 78 to 84 is a very good round of golf for the average golfer, you have to play a lot of golf to get your score that low or be very good at the game.
    I was happy when I could shoot mid 80’s to low 90’s .
    Great way to spend a day with the guys.


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