Bill Clinton: I Was Sort Of Robin Hood At Clinton Foundation – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton: I Was Sort Of Robin Hood At Clinton Foundation

Yeah, you are definitely a ‘hood’.

Look at his craaaazy eyes…


-Breitbart: Former President Bill Clinton declares he was a heroic figure at the Clinton Foundation, taking money from wealthy people and redistributing to the poor.

Clinton defended his work at the Clinton Foundation during a speech in Ohio, calling the notion that it was corrupt was “really funny.”

“Here is what I did, I was sort of Robin Hood, except I didn’t rob anybody,” Clinton said. “I just asked people with money to give it to people who didn’t have money and we tried to use it in America and around the world to save jobs, to create jobs and to save lives.”


12 Comments on Bill Clinton: I Was Sort Of Robin Hood At Clinton Foundation

  1. The people that corrupt foundation “helped” down it Hatti still don’t have running water or working toilets. They would probably shank the two of them if they ever showed up down there.

    Robbing Hood Rat.

  2. There’s a complex psychosis here…..if he’s Robin Hood then Hillary is maid Marion and there are several maid Marions to be had….I’m thinking’ that he is a robber baron that just might be better neck stomped in a mud puddle….then Marion will quickly fade away, in a cough induced fit…

  3. Hell, he got the HOOD part right. That’s as close to the truth as he’s ever come. Wonder if he has burning indigestion. I hope so.

    If I wasn’t an old lady, I’d call tell him the labels the public have for the lecherous, lying, cheating, grifting, two-faced bastard. He deserves to serve in hell with that bitch of a wife forever hanging on his neck.

  4. This is the EndGame for the Clinton Cartel. Both of the psychos, Cankles and Slick, are delusional and need to be put away. Help others? REALLY you demented rotten pussy eater? And that means both of them. Turn over all Foundation, Focus, and personal assets hidden and showing, or be called out and dealt with in the Old West Fashion.

  5. Bill and Hillary will go down in history as despots. This pathetic final performance is the height
    of humiliation for both of them. Any sane person would have never shown their face in public
    again after being caught in the crimes of the Clintons. Treason is the correct verdict.

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