Bill Clinton Noticeably Absent From House Democrats’ Last-Minute Fundraising Push – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Noticeably Absent From House Democrats’ Last-Minute Fundraising Push

DCNF: The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), the campaign arm of House Democrats, is leaning on high-profile Democrats from years and decades past in its final fundraising push before Tuesday’s midterm elections — but not former President Bill Clinton.

Fundraising emails the DCCC pushed out Sunday and Monday featured 12 “top Democrats,” including two of the three living former Democratic presidents — Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama — and former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton.

Other high-profile retired Democrats including former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, former California Rep. Barbara Boxer and former Clinton strategist James Carville also made the list.

But Bill Clinton’s name was nowhere to be found.

14 Comments on Bill Clinton Noticeably Absent From House Democrats’ Last-Minute Fundraising Push

  1. With the advent of #metoo you won’t see Bill Clinton in the limelight ever again. Unless it’s in a courtroom at the defendants table. That would be pretty cool.

  2. Its hard for him to get around these days with his infected balls and crotch rot from the STDs he has burning up his groin. Its gonna be nice when him and Hitlery are both dead and we can have a party or happy hour at the bar to watch their funerals.

  3. @Uncle Al (at 8:42 pm): Here’s a quick fix for that problem, assuming you notice it in time (which you did here):

    Using mouse, highlight and right-click to copy the entire body of your comment. Now edit the anonymous comment and delete the whole thing. Create new comment, filling in the blanks first this time. Paste what you copied into the new comment and post it.

    Easy-peasy, as they say.


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