Bill Clinton Survivors to Headline D.C. Protest Demanding Resignation of Al Franken, John Conyers, Joe Barton – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Survivors to Headline D.C. Protest Demanding Resignation of Al Franken, John Conyers, Joe Barton

Breitbart: Women speaking out about the men who have sexually assaulted, abused or harassed them will take to the national stage on Wednesday where organizers and past victims will call for Sen. Al Franken (D-MI) and Reps. John Conyers (D-MI) and Joe Barton(R-TX) to resign.

All three lawmakers have been accused of sexual misconduct, including unwanted sexual advances and groping, and, in Barton’s case, texting explicit messages and a photo of himself naked.

Some of the women who will be at the National Press Club in D.C. have been speaking out for years about former president Bill Clinton assaulting or abusing them, including Juanita Broaddrick (who said Clinton raped her), Paula Jones (whose suit against Clinton for sexual harassment was settled before a trial) and Leslie Millwee, (who said she was stalked and assaulted three times by Bill Clinton while she was a TV reporter in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

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10 Comments on Bill Clinton Survivors to Headline D.C. Protest Demanding Resignation of Al Franken, John Conyers, Joe Barton

  1. I hope that these woman can stand up and in detail go over how Bill Clinton assaulted them physically and then how Hillary Clinton assaulted them emotionally and how the Democrat Party did nothing. Make sure it gets up on YOUTUBE and copied so that when it gets pulled down it gets put back up and a twitter blast goes out and gets retweeted and retweeted until millions know where to go look for the truth.

  2. @Left Coast Dan November 29, 2017 at 12:51 pm

    Garrison Keillor fired for alleged ‘inappropriate behavior’ by Minnesota Public Radio

    What? He wouldn’t eat the goat kebab after his fellow Minnasoooohtans “marinated” it?

  3. The demictetins should the stuck to bows and arrows. Largely a one-way ticket. An efficiency expert showed the naked save a lot of time by using a boomerang. The expert forgot to explain that when used in politically charged situations, the boomerang comes back with a vengeance!

  4. I should say they’re all Hypocritical, Self-Absorbed, Celebrity-Obsessed,Self-congratulatory, narcissistic, lying, Liberal Pieces-of-Shit who can’t imagine anything outside their own cold-brewed coffee, arugula salad and steamed vaginas who will gladly tell us, the average, hard-working, Church-going, over-taxed payer, how we should live, what we should eat, how to raise our kids, what kind of energy we need, what kind of electric clown-car we should be driving (while they ride in limousines) what we are allowed to hear, see and say and, as always, who we should vote for!
    How ’bout fuck you and the intern ya rode in on!

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