Bill Clinton To DNC Chair: Keep Bernie Supporters Out Of Power – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton To DNC Chair: Keep Bernie Supporters Out Of Power

Daily Caller: The co-author of a book on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign claims that former president Bill Clinton warned the Democratic National Committee to keep Bernie Sanders supporters out of power.

In an interview with CSPAN on Thursday, Jonathan Allen explained how the Clintons have continued their war on Sanders and his supporters even after the 2016 election.

“Roughly half the Democratic Party felt the DNC was unfairly tipping the scales in the last presidential election, trying to get Hillary Clinton nominated, trying to hurt Bernie Sanders,” Allen said. “Really there’s just been a clash between these two sides.”

Allen said those tensions “resumed the minute that Donald Trump was elected,” asserting, “Tom Perez is in the middle of that and he’s gotten very explicit instructions from President [Bill] Clinton…not to let the party go to the Bernie Sanders folks.”  watch

13 Comments on Bill Clinton To DNC Chair: Keep Bernie Supporters Out Of Power

  1. This is great. Combined with Hillary’s derisive comments about the vast socialist conspiracy in the Dem party, this sets the tone for the Dem primaries. It’s going to be a bitter, nasty war between the commies and the crony caps. Blue Wave? Don’t bet on it.

  2. As much as it pains me to say something positive about Bill Clinton, he is probably the only Democrat who realizes this crazy wide-open careening to the Left is going to destroy the Democrat Party. He’s wasting his breath. The Democrats can’t reverse course on this current trajectory. But you gotta admit, he’s been right a lot. It was Bill that tried to get Hillary to get out there and try to appeal to middle America. That’s all over the Podesta emails. They ignored him and chose to try and recreate the Obama model. And they paid the price.

    Now I have to go shower because I said something mildly positive about Bill Clinton.

  3. Sometimes I have to remind myself that Bernie Sanders had more to do with President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton’s defeat than all those Macedonian Content Farmers. The Clintons thought that letting Sanders run as a Democrat in the primaries would make her look better by pretending to be a mainstream Democrat. What they missed was that eight years creeping socialism under Obumbler had made many voters in this country yearning for more free stuff. Plantation dwellers, college students who couldn’t pay for their education loans, abortion advocates, homosexualists, welfare addicts and illegal immigrants all wanted more socialism. Hillary moved further to the Left and lost the Middle. It’s too late now to recapture those voters. Thank you Bernie!

  4. @Marco May 3, 2018 at 8:35 pm

    I don’t disagree that after “fundamentally transforming America”, some Americans actually dared to dream. Of a communist paradise. One that would work. This time. Because the good people would communist it harder than ever before.

    But I think the biggest Clinton triumphant versus Sanders mistake, was how vile Hillary actually is. All Hillary’s people deal with Hillary all the time. You get numb to all the drinking, the hatred, the cray cray… that’s just Hillary. Hillary, who gets billionaires to give you dozens, hundreds, of millions of dollars. Less her cut, of course.

    Bernie might be a dreamy, old socialist. But did anyone ever think Bernie truly hated the American people? Bernie might not have the most workable ideas. But he could always explain what the ideas were. And he could always claim that he believed they would work. And he even, occasionally, said no to some socialist bong dream, when he couldn’t come up with some, at least possible, argument to “make it work”.

    Hillary offered Americans, not multi-citizenship billionaires, but “just” Americans, cheaper domestic servants and despite. If she’s not giving you, personally, millions to hire more of those even cheaper domestics, why have her hating at you? Again? Just like all the times before? Of course, those deplorable wretches just vote. People who spend Hillary’s “friends” millions decide how awful it is to put her “in charge”, again.

  5. I don’t have the slightest bit of respect for that self serving cockroach. The same type of person that finds him charming and affable are the same types that you constantly read about being scammed out of their life savings.


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