Bill Cosby Claims Not To Like Intercourse – IOTW Report

Bill Cosby Claims Not To Like Intercourse

Daily Caller: In other bizarre and wildly unbelievable news today, Bill Cosby claims not to enjoy intercourse.

During a retrial hearing on Tuesday, Cosby denied having had sex with one of his accusers, Andrea Constand. He told police that he likes the things that might lead up to sex but the actual act isn’t his forte.

“I like the petting, the touching,” he told police interviewing him. Cosby was being questioned about his alleged assault of Constand, 45, back in 2004. She claims he sexually assaulted her in his estate in Cheltenham, PA.

But when cops pressed him on the issue, Cosby didn’t back down.  MORE

20 Comments on Bill Cosby Claims Not To Like Intercourse

  1. After the miss trail he should have just made a break for it to some island paradise with no extradition.

    This is murdering my childhood. All things good, jello, sesame street and fat Albert, the LP’s of his clean stoires… Just make it stop.

  2. Cos is an adulterous creep scumbag? Very probably. But all this is because he dared speak an unspeakable truth: many black folks aren’t holding up their end of the deal. See free coffee guy for just one example.

  3. Considering all his degrees, his self-professed intelligence, and his talent,
    Cosby was never able to keep Fat Albert in his pants.

    It doesn’t matter if he parked the bus in the garage or not, it is still an act of

  4. Dr. Cosby needs to qualify his remarkable statement. There are plenty of women who were violated by the good doctor when they were drugged and unable to fend off this perverted necrophiliac. Now he’s America’s most reviled creepy blind rapist. If he evades Justice for a second time, at least we won’t have to listen to him lecture us about the joys of fatherhood and matrimony.

  5. A good friend of mine worked as a valet at Harrah’s in Reno, Nevada during the 1970s, when Dr. Cosby used to appear there three or four times a year. His whole phony act was built around his family, fatherhood, and raising children. Cosby never failed to have a woman in his limousine when he pulled up to the casino entrance to go on stage and spew his nonsense. I think his public humiliation is well deserved, but too late for most of his victims.

  6. “He told police that he likes the things that might lead up to sex but the actual act isn’t his forte.”
    That has got to be the biggest lie I have ever heard in my 68 years of life.

  7. Cosby a total scumbag and fraud but lets not fail to mention that all these women placed themselves in that position. If it wasn’t for their urge to mingle with the famous, and recklessly placing themselves alone with this monster that this resulted. That doesn’t in any way absolve him from criminality but being stupid and starstruck erased any common sense they should have employed.

  8. I was going to ask “Am I the only one who doesn’t give a whit about their seller’s remorse?” I might be offended at having to pay all those government “expenses” wringing their hands over so many instances of seller’s remorse. But then I read through the comments.

    So… “yes” and “who gives a whit.”

  9. I still have a soft spot in my heart for the old Cos (not to mention a bunch of his old records). Saw him perform live once before he fell on hard times. He was a heck of a comedian and he gave me many laughs. He had a way of taking you back to your childhood and reminding you of things you had forgotten, like the bottle of ice water everyone kept in the refrigerator back in the day.

    As Bad Brad said recently, “It’s bad when your heroes turn out to be less than what you hoped for.”

    From what I have read, Van Gogh was a smelly weirdo, but his paintings fetch millions of dollars today. Sometimes you just have to separate the artist from their art, in order to fully appreciate that art.

    P.S. – I’m keeping the records.


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