Bill Cosby’s Lawyer Cites ‘Racial Bias and Prejudice’ Amid Sex Assault Allegations – IOTW Report

Bill Cosby’s Lawyer Cites ‘Racial Bias and Prejudice’ Amid Sex Assault Allegations

ABC: Bill Cosby’s lawyer said Tuesday that his client has been the victim of “racial bias and prejudice” as the sexual assault allegations against him have played out in the court of public opinion.

The statement —- which targeted lawyer Gloria Allred, who has represented some of the women who accused Cosby of sexual misconduct —- came as a trial date of June 5, 2017, was set this afternoon in the comedian’s Pennsylvania sexual assault case.

“Mr. Cosby is no stranger to discrimination and racial hatred, and throughout his career Mr. Cosby has always used his voice and his celebrity to highlight the commonalities and has portrayed the differences that are not negative — no matter the race, gender and religion of a person,” his lawyer Brian McMonagle told reporters outside the courthouse.

“Yet over the last 14 months, Mr. Cosby and those who have supported him have been ignored while lawyers like Gloria Allred hold press conferences to accuse him of crimes for unwitnessed events that allegedly occurred almost a half-century earlier.  MORE

17 Comments on Bill Cosby’s Lawyer Cites ‘Racial Bias and Prejudice’ Amid Sex Assault Allegations

  1. I’m not taking a side on this, but I do find it noteworthy that there was little to no interest in these allegations until he started speaking out against systemic failures in black communities.

  2. Al, Jesse, Barry, BLM, Micheal Sams and even Colon Kaeperprick threw the race card first knowing that the 2 deuces they held would win the day.

    Why did Jell-O Bill take so long to play the race card?
    His credibility is beyond repair, maybe he’s trying to save a few $million on a settlement or get a reduced sentence because he’s black. Obama may still give a presidential pardon, I mean Bill was pushing drugs just like the others pardoned.

  3. Don’t mistake his ‘black fathers need to straighten up and take care of their kids’ for being a middle of the road guy politically. He’s a hardcore 0bama fanatic and he has thrown the race card at white people for disagreeing with him.

  4. I don’t condone what he is accused of, but the tale of two Bills needs to be front and center.

    Just like what happened to David Petraeus vs Hillary Clinton.

    One law for the elites and another one for all the rest of us needs to stop.

  5. This guy owns a house in my “area of responsibility;” several of my confederates have averred that he is a wicked racist. Kind of a tough nut for those of us who grew up enjoying Bill’s work.

    If he is convicted, fuck him. GAOL.

  6. I saw him in Vegas in the 1980s. I knew someone who was one of the show promoters and was very excited to hear he had met Cosby. When I asked the guy about him he said, “In real life he’s a nasty prick” and I didn’t believe it could be so. I didn’t know the half of it.

  7. Bill should connect the dots and say “You all know if my last name was Clinton I’d be making plans of moving back into the White House.” Then add “Just let that sink in and realize none of my accusers have accused me of forcible anything.”

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