Bill de Blasio casually quotes the guiding wisdom of Karl Marx, chapter and verse – IOTW Report

Bill de Blasio casually quotes the guiding wisdom of Karl Marx, chapter and verse

American Thinker: By Monica Showalter

If you ever needed some insight as to why Bill de Blasio is so colossally incompetent as mayor of New York City, take a look at his lodestar, the guiding model he instantly reaches to for an illuminating quote.

Here’s the New York Post, emphasis mine:

During his weekly appearance on WNYC radio, de Blasio was asked about a recent report that said his “long-held antipathy toward well-heeled private sector interests” was jeopardizing the city’s economic recovery from the coronavirus crisis.

In response, de Blasio admitted that “my focus has not been on the business community and the elites” before adding, “I am tempted to borrow from Karl Marx here.

Hizzoner then went on to recite from memory a concept expressed in Chapter 1 of the infamous “Communist Manifesto” written by Marx and comrade Friedrich Engels in 1848.

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14 Comments on Bill de Blasio casually quotes the guiding wisdom of Karl Marx, chapter and verse

  1. Sometimes “The apple does not fall far from the tree.”! His dad and mom were both rich. Marxists!
    60 years ago we called JFK and his group of our “betters” , “:limousine Liberals”. Bill’s folks were there!

  2. Between the plandemic and the riots, ny is dead. And i really couldn’t be happier. Because it is a town of liberals, by liberals, and for liberals. There is not a reason in the world we should not celebrate it’s implosion. It does nothing for us, and it attempts to do all it can against us.

    The only job we have, even though it is next to fruitless, is trying to prevent our “leaders” from throwing a trillion dollars down the shithole into the cities after the left has destroyed them.

  3. I don’t understand the mentality of calling this evil POS “incompetent.”
    He’s NOT!
    He is 100% competent to disrupt and destroy New York City, and sow discord and hate across America.

    Alienate the peeps from the cops.
    Chaos reigns.
    Burning, street riots, anarchy.
    Reaction (from the Feds or Outraged Citizens).
    Propaganda Organs blame the Reaction NOT on the rioting maggots, but on the Reactors.
    Proxy war in the streets – humans v parasitic maggots – both gain valuable training.
    All-Out War when the Armed Forces choose sides.
    Maggots like deBlasio sit back and let the pawns be killed, carping from the sidelines, stirring the pot.
    Declare victory and stride to the Dais as “peacemaker.”
    Unleash the dogs (NKVD, Gestapo, OVRA – whatever he calls them) and assert Dictatorship in the name of the “People.”

    Seen it thousands of times – from Ancient Sumeria to 2020 NYC.

    We never learn.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Sadly when these liberal Nee Yorkers get fed up with what they have voted for they do move. And then because they are stupid liberals they vote in the same type of liberals that ruined where they came from to the delight of the Democratic Party

  5. Most of the crowd do not know about Karl Marx.

    Modern educators do not teach real history, math, or English.

    They have been replaced by Social Justice, common core guestimating, and ebonics.

    They are much easier to lead when they are effectively dumb and illiterate.

  6. Can we please start calling him by his birth name, Warren Wilhelm Jr.? That will bring proper context to the table. If he didn’t push marxism it would be news.

  7. Marx’s uncle was Lion Philips (of Philips Electric – later Philips Magnavox) and he wouldn’t have let the fat useless lazy bastard starve. Marx and Engels were parasites – so why shouldn’t they invent a parasitic “philosophy?”

    Scions of the rich are often worthless pieces of shit who feel guilty about the money they’ve inherited – and – after years of vapid, selfish indolence (and the concomitant substance abuse) take up some “cause” to mollify their perverse consciences.

    izlamo delenda est …

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