Bill ‘Dindu Nuthin’ Clinton – IOTW Report

Bill ‘Dindu Nuthin’ Clinton


Bill Clinton Distances Himself from Jeffrey Epstein.

The statement denotes that “staff, supporters of the Foundation,” and the former president’s Secret Service detail were along on “every leg” of those trips.” Fox News, however, reported in May 2016 that Clinton went on at least 26 trips aboard Epstein’s plane — the “Lolita Express” — between 2001 and 2003, according to flight logs from the Federal Aviation Administration. Listed as the destination for those trips were exotic locales like the Azores, Singapore, Brunei, Norway, and Russia, among others.

On at least five of those excursions, the flight logs denote that Clinton was not accompanied by any Secret Service personnel. The former president, though, did occasionally travel in the company of Ghislaine Maxwell, a New York socialite, and Sarah Kellen, Epstein’s former assistant. Both women were previously investigated by the FBI and Florida law enforcement over concerns they helped recruit Epstein’s underage victims.

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27 Comments on Bill ‘Dindu Nuthin’ Clinton

  1. I really hope the prosecutor can be trusted. Although if it does turn out to be the daughter of Comey then she needs to recuse herself as there is too much of a link to this case through through Hillary to Bill to Epstein. If she doesn’t then the Government loses it’s chance to get to the bottom of the Clinton/Epstein connection and who knows where else that ends up. I wonder if the Judge can remove her? I’ve got a bad feeling that this will lead nowhere and there won’t even be an attempt to turn Epstein.

  2. The most gross thing out of all the disgusting allegations is that Hillary traveled to the pedo island four times. Somewhere out there, there are four girls still trying to wash that taste out of their mouth.

  3. Considering that both Arkansas State police and Secret Service agents were corrupted into assisting Clinton in his schemes to get his rocks off, I wouldn’t view the presence of the Secret Service as much of an alibi

  4. Perot was a patriot. I’m proud to have voted for him. Choosing between Perot and Herbert Bush was like choosing between Jeb! and Trump. I don’t care. Go on and flame me if it makes you feel better. A lot of people voted for Perot but most won’t admit it. BTW – if Trump had lost, most wouldn’t admit to supporting him either.

  5. he is a slimy lying sack of shit.
    and he conveniently had a ‘spokesperson’ lie for him.
    from the statement: “In 2002 and 2003, President Clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s airplane…”
    from the flight logs, as required by Homeland Security:
    1) Feb. 9
    2) March 19
    3) May 22
    4) July 13 (with Secret Service)
    5) Sept. 21
    There- that is 5, one more than his claimed 4, and proving him a flat out liar. There are more than 20 more entries for him in the logs. The logs have previously been entered into a court of law as evidence, and been accepted as being valid. The logs are here: and there is a zoom function for easier viewing. If Secret Service was present on a flight, it would be so noted- no pilot would put their license in jeopardy by falsification.
    A lying sack of shit, he is

  6. Something I’m waiting to hear about is the killing.

    What did they really do on that island? Sure, pedophilia was rampant. But what about getting rid of the loose ends and the Clinton predilection toward satanic rituals?

    I don’t want to think about that possibility, but evil is evil. And the Clintons, especially Hillary, is evil.

  7. Clinton’s ‘big lie’ tactic no longer works – not after his idiot wife destroyed every crooked franchise entrusted to her.

    This is gonna get REAL bad for clinton, an other democrats.

    NOW does everyone see why rich pervs flock to the democrat party? – They’re paid off by the pervs to protect them, and they get to dip their weenies into young girls.

    Just look at Weiner.

  8. Billy-Blow Job-Clinton, our first African American president ‘din du nutin’! According to Sir Hillary, Billy Blow Job was home practicing for the church choir while she was immersed in a gin tonic bath!

  9. I wonder if the Edwin Edwards Rule applies here – the only way a Democrat politician can be taken down by a scandal is if he’s caught in bed with either a live boy or a dead girl.

  10. Sun Ting Wong: Gin & tonic yes, but no way a bath.

    I hope one day to see the two of them in handcuffs and their daughter working at chick-fill-a taking orders instead of $600,000 per year directing a bogus slush fund.

    Opps, I mean charity I don’t want to be Arkancided!


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